Test Chamber

-unknown location- "we have a disturbance report in sector 5,5,23,4453,323434, beta quad." "thats an unstable border quad. send fire team zula to handle it, oh and "visit" locke for me." "yes, sir" -demhood- "a resinence cascade?

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Don't Want

No matter how far apart he tried to spread his legs, his quads simply wouldn't stop touching. "again?

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A Dinky Gift

Gritting his teeth stuart set his resolve and made to push his way against the flow of the quad. with a little luck he may even survive the experience.

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Just Guys Being Dudes [TSR]

While they looked as thick as watermelons were, he was certain that he could effortlessly crush them between his thick quads. man, it felt good to be _huge_.

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Sake It to Me [TSR]

The same was said of his pants, which struggled with the increasingly bulky nature of his thighs and quads. that time, however, there wasn't anywhere near as much give to the fabric, and tears formed along the stress points latent in the design.

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The Tylenol Killer: a Murder Mystery

I @'ed quad on twitter, with the tweet "ayo! @quadslaughter, wat u know bout tylenol killings?" and he responded "@bossmotherfucker, i was gonna kill them, but they just died.

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I opened the shed, and pulled out my quad bike, with off road tires, they would make light work of her!

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A Camp Experience

I walked toward the quad, which was surrounded by three dorms: smith, van winkle, the dining hall, and day hall. i lived in reeves hall, which is behind the dining hall, and slightly off to the side.

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Aboard The Grand Walker

Even the distinct sound of the quad-cannon was heard through the view port. that's when vandal's mind was jolted. he remembered that alyx was still chained to the quad-cannon!

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The Other Dragon World: Chapter 13

They saw a dark brown scaled quad walking around while sniffing the air, possibly trying to find any intruders. "i can't believe there are many quads around here," whispered shyplis to seraphor.

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Fly on the Wall

The right quad muscle squeezed inward and then straightened. the width grew. the thickness doubled as the muscle shone through with incredible size.

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Gunther's Warlord 4

Gunther tried to tease him further by groping those freakish-yet-heavenly quads, and was rewarded when zoltan lifted them both back to the bed, taking one stimpack with him.

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