An Awkward Encounter

"sorry, i don't do refunds." jeremy paused and closed the door behind him. his heard was racing and he didn't know what to do. this was a far cry from what he anticipated.

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Since such devices are oftentimes cursed or non-functional, you almost did not buy it until the seller convinced you into buying it with the promise that he would take it back if it failed to function and refund you.

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What You Mean to Me, Chapter 33

Don't refund the monehy, use it to buy a thunderstone." rich was... well, he was more creeped out than shocked, but he was still surprised at ellichu's generosity.

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Chapter 1

For your troubles i'd like to offer you a full refund on all you spent here tonight." wanting to go stu was overjoyed with the idea of a refund. nick, ever the hustler, smelled blood in the water.

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Fox on a Colony (Otherwise Untitled)

The message cut out, momentarily forming into the image of an apologetic rabbit with the caption, "message error 96t, buffer" in large font while "no refunds" shamefully lingered beneath in much smaller font, before the holovid resumed, "... says i'm doing

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The Wolf's Requiem Chapter 2 Part 3

You know, the night before i got the refund on our decorations." gale went silent for a moment, thinking over it carefully. "i should have told you before, but i... i had a vision." "what do you mean vision? you didn't try catnip again did you?"

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Cheers, I'm out.

Well, one really the other was already fake as fuck so no skin off my nose, wish i'd stuck to my guns and got a refund though, oh well. and you know what?


Medical Procedure.

"i think so, they have done it a few times already, and this doctor guarantees that'll work, or a full refund." he replied, giving hir a kiss on the cheek.

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[SNEAK PEEK]Try Before You Buy

First question; do you do refunds?" "ab-so-lutely! i refuse to let anyone feel like i've bilked them; if i did that, i'd eventually run out of customers! word travels fast nowadays!" sunquake had no hesitation in his voice.

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Raven's night

"no refunds big boy! no refunds! big boy gets fun now!" she cawed.

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The Sour Pup #3

They usually complained to the receptionist who had to offer a portion of their money as a refund, or worse.

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damn pirates! :the great escape

And i'll make him eat the word refund. nope. then the backup arrived. 6 members of the crew busted in from various openings (only one used the actual door) there was a slight pause while everyone took in the situation.

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