A Protector

I knew from the very day how myles felt about me...what he saw me as, and i could sum it up in one word: roadkill. he despised me, and everything that i was. everything i stood for.

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Knot Theory (V)

Jake stuffed the remains of his roadkill burger back inside the foil. "of course. and you should send me a picture of that doberman." "you'll be jealous. send me a picture of your professor's dick." jake frowned. "in your dreams." he hung up.

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The One Who Makes Me Whole ch. 12

Buddhist monkey wiped his forehead, glad to have avoided a roadkill for the first time. he was about to get off the train to help the three bears when the train felt like it just ran over something. but wasn't the train at a full stop?

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group therapy Part 10

Bandit had been trusted to keep guard, 'keep the beast in his cage' as roadkill, their wolf, had joked. just when bandit was thinking he was drifting off in his wooden chair, mortar approached the tent. "just here to grab some things."

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A Giant Problem II

It was roadkill, i knew, but i suppose it really doesn't matter how the animal met it's end "that's fine," i said. "want it raw?" another thing i adjusted to rapidly.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty

"hello, henrietta," said ichabod, his condescending gaze sweeping over the two of us like roadkill. "you look like you've had an interesting day." reflexively, i put a hand on ethan's shoulder, taking a step back. "what do you want?"

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Astaroth part#3 -The jump

She felt and looked like roadkill after her punishment but she moved fast even if her body complained. she knew when something was seriously wrong due to the time she spent with a gang of thieves.

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Tommyfox: yup, he's pretty much roadkill at this point. humphrey: looks like you guys know how to have some fun! nitro: whoa, hello! ziggo: what are you doing back here?

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Jane Porter: The Revelations Of Despair

But even without it the dick was deformed and looked like a horrible wet mushroom, full of abscesses and ejaculating an aged roadkill perfume, and then it began convulsing!

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A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Ep1

._ if it could rain any harder, we'd start finding fish as roadkill.

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Playtesting Chapter 1

The platforms you will be dueling on do not however, so if you're not careful you could see yourself on the back of the train as reverse roadkill. gameplay is a normal duel, but when you take damage you get to switch the path the platform takes.

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