Empty - Chapter 1

But, i found others, others that so selflessly extended a paw to help me along, gave me the strength to keep going. they are my friends... my guardians against the dark... this goes out to you, my amazing friends...

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{The Conquest} - Prologue

A paradise that was revived, but destroyed by the greed and selflessness of human minds. closing his eyes, the male turned around, his cape willfully flowing into the smoke that emitted from the area.

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Watcher of Arcues - Path of the Immortal Chapter 14

You were right, and there indeed humans who would be selfless in their protection of pokemon.'_ mewtwo stated. "are... i'm not sure that would be wise yet.

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Battle in Scarlet Skies - Preview

Few if any did it to seek bloody glory by claiming the lives of those selfless warriors who gave everything they had and laid their lives down for their loved ones. but even then, the bloodshed hadn't remained on the battlefield.

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Chapter Nine

How could i ignore such a selfless call." "thank you...so much...i never thought...thank you." "you are very welcome. now listen to me. you are doing a wonderful job and i could not have made a better choice to bless but yours.

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The Anchor Holds

selflessly protective. the mouse wished he could protect her like that, with such strength, in return. would lament on it, sometimes. she would assure him that he did protect her: by feeding and fueling her heart.

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Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly, ch. 8

Compassion, selflessness, honor, love. he was the opposite of everything she knew about his specie in most cases. it was alien to her, but also quite exciting. perhaps eden was the one human... the one male who could heal her heart.

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Tobias: A Vignette From Long Ago

He smiled, at once noting the ironic parallel between his goal and the selfless martyrs of the church.

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Fish and Bird

The raven wanted to praise his lover on the splendid job he was doing, thank him for the satisfaction he was so selflessly giving him, but all that came out his beak was a mixture of avian caws and grunst, he knew his shark would get the hint anyway.

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Hungry For You: Chapter 1

He was so selfless sometimes. "i'll take you up on that offer." he giggled, nuzzling his face into edgar's soft chest fur, falling asleep well before he did. he knew he was going to need the rest. it was going to big day tomorrow.

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A flame doesnt always die: Ch.1

Time regained its speed, and every thing went so quick'' the selfless wolf lunged at the fox without warning, pushing her into the small cave behind her. but she noticed some thing was much more wrong, the wolf wasn't''t with her. bang!

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Meet Me at the Warehouse (Patreon Extreme)

I've been told i'm a very selfless lover." the canine drew his paw back and struck the panther's ass, making it bounce and wiggle slightly. the accountant let out a pained yowl into the cloth and glanced back with pleading eyes.

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