to love a dragon

To Love A Dragon This is the first story I have ever written for Yiffstar, so if there are any mistakes or the literature is not at its best, than feel free to leave your comments. However, if you don't have anything that isn't nice or isn't...

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too much time on my hands.txt

sleepless night endless days still the sands of time pour slowly to taunt my weary mind the sun shines the others rest i have yet a small solace to find not long ago i had little time to myself now i drown in the new over abundance the beauty

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Cadpig's Big Proublem

Cadpig got up from her sleeplessness and headed straight to rolly's bedding area. cadpig was careful not to wake the other dogs up in the process which wasn't hard since they all slept peacefully.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 16 - A nudge in the right direction

Just because i was having a sleepless night didn't mean she had to experience one as well. but like i said before, she rarely slept when she noticed i couldn't sleep. it's something i deeply appreciated...

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Poem: descent into madness

This is a piece of poetry i wrote once while depressed, if i get enough feedback i might consider uploading my other poetry as well, and dont worry none of them are as moody as this one, im more of a love poem writer :p i lay in bed another sleepless night

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I am...

Fierce i am outrageous i am daring i am dangerous i am feverish i am dominate i am forceful i am unfearing i am deliberate i am strong i am powerful i am merciless i am the fighter i am the wonderer i am the breathless i am the sleepless

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Eyes Open

We fall in love, we fall out of love we might at one point find "the one" and never let them go we make a life, with a house, a car, pets, and maybe children we go through the highs and lows again the sleepless nights, the endless days the jobs, the college


Lovers Betrayal In The Ice (PATREON EXCLUSIVE)

Her bloodied claw had red-hardened blood covering the end, eyes red with sleeplessness and insanity, her breath coming out in ragged gasps. her tail lashed, teeth bared at him, the once loving and caring ness suddenly looking like she wanted to hurt him.

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A Bad Boy

He was jare the abandoned, the self-hating, the sleepless. but most of all he was a bad boy...

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The Trinket | Chapter Twelve [Comm]

Having suffered many sleepless nights in high school, the ability to sleep relatively normally in college was one that he tried his best to take advantage of.

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Doctor's Orders

Marcus entered the room with a gentle smile plastered on his face as his head ached from the second sleepless night in a row. "good day, frank." he said as he looked at the young coyote in the bed.

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we need help

Emotions takes some time faking how much you care never works out some days get easier some days only get worse other days yuo cant tell if anythings even going down at all when we fake a smile we are hiding the damage of a thousand hours of crying and sleepless

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