The Golden One Pt 6

A story of two wolf cubs, one with fur of pure white and a cub with fur as black as ash with a green sliver in it's left eye.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 32

She looked up in time to see a long sliver of wood break away from the door, leaving a jagged fracture just beneath the keyhole.

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Ornately lining the panels were thin, long slivers of green or yellow light.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 11-The Party

Jack had a white shirt with a sliver dragon on it and blue jeans with his brown cowboy boots. josh had tan cargo pants and boots with a red shirt and his jean jacket.

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 32

She looked up in time to see a long sliver of wood break away from the door, leaving a jagged fracture just beneath the keyhole.

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A different Tail

This is captain jonas sliver, if you wish for a fight then you shall get one. i will protect these people no matter who's space we are in. " , was the reply.

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Scarborough Fair: Homecomings

They wore skintight dark red armor, and carried sliver guns, firing tiny flechettes at high velocity.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 10-Birthday Surprises

It was beautifully engraved and it had a shining sliver key ring through a hole in the top.

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The Hunter

Through the slivers of light, i watched the slightest hint of movement. i couldn't help but curl my upper lip, my fangs peeking through. the hunger in me urged me on, claws digging into the earth.

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Character Intro - A Lazy Saturday Morning

Samantha's eyes opened very slowly as they caught sight of a thin sliver of morning sunlight breaking in between the heavy curtains pulled closed over the bedroom window.

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A Little Colour (Chapter 3)

She whimpered softly as one paw dropped down the silken fur of her belly to circle her clit before drifting deeper, exposing a sliver of rose with a come-hither motion that jayce could not ignore.

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