Of Mercenaries and Princesses Part II

Ratfolk woman was a bit of a gossip and often talked about the goings on with the court, be they scandals, affairs, or anything else that might be worthy of her ear, she also gave giselle quite a lot of political dirt to use against those who might try to usurp

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Out There, Ch 5

Two, they appear to be a parasitic form of life than can usurp control of a host, an unprecedented ability among all known species.

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(Revised Edition) Human Origins Chapter 2: Sympathy

My goal is that i will do everything in my power to surpass my father and usurp the throne.

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Tribes Culture Descriptions

Long horns; a fully nomadic people who saw all pleasure as weakness, crude and simple, women are regarded as property of the alpha, and the lowers have to usurp or gain permission to mate.

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Into the Deep 1

She was at the tournament, just like you were, pretender, usurper!" the dragon grabs the snake, squeezing, lifting, and bringing the blind monster to her face. "she's not here, and if she were, she would have the same fate as you."

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The Human Species Ch.94 - Competence: Industry vs. Inferiority

Of course, i bet she could've usurped my position rather easily to take charge of no man's land, but i'd like to see her do the daily grind and all the menial paperwork that comes with... ... paperwork? oh yeah, apartment 151.

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Royal Aggravations

Looking first at the concubine then at the head of the council the usurped wolf could only think of one question... "what the fuck?!"

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Chapter 71 - The Child is Gone

Koume squinted her eyes in grim determination, "you are making a mockery of our king, trying to have a son to usurp the throne of leadership! you cannot and will not have this child!"

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The Everlasting Flame - Chapter 6

That civilization fell thanks to usurpers inside its ranks. now you are here, in our modern times, reborn by the government to fight those usurpers. first, you need to help your family, which i suppose is why you're here.

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Deity's Twilight

Yet soon, the old legends passed into obscurity, usurped by great tales of general ven mattar and king tung mar ii.

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Singing Land

He had been retreaing as had all the animals on account of the human usurpers with their guns and axes and buldings. coyote's reputation amongst the animals was that of a king and in his territory that's what he was.

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SPQR- Chapter 2

I was afraid to speak because my own true experiences lead me to believe that we have usurped our authority. there are no greater villains in the outlying provinces than the romans." martellus the elder was contemplating all that his son was saying.

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