Never Let Me Go

Jameson and i were both seventeen when he was diagnosed with peripheral vascular disease, and we were still seventeen when both of his arms had to be amputated.

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Concequences and Forgiveness

They were so defined and shredded, it made shredded cheese look complete, and so vascular you would swear he had plumbing for veins. albert paused briefly and flexed as hard as possible.

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Old Stuff: Open Your Eyes - Age and You

[fig. 15.7: _a comparison between stephen's bicep after the first, second and third exposure, showing both increased muscle mass and vascularity, but diminishing returns of repeated exposures._] additionally, note that by now, stephen is showing signs of

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Giving to get

Deciding to take control i slowly rolled over, careful not to squash wolfy underneath (that came later) and got to my feet, watching wolfy eyeing my proud member jutting out underneath me, admiring the contrast between the vascular mauve look of my cock

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607 The Night Has Claws

Her spine doubles on itself as her ribs shift into a different configuration as her heart ceases to be central to her vascular system, pump functions redundantly replaced in multiple locations throughout her body.

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Equine Indulgence

He ogles his immense, shifting member, seeing divots and indents rising and setting along the vascular throbbing length. his curiosity gets the best of him as he clasps his cock once more, watching as his broader, leaking size reacts.

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Centaurus Chapter 11

Fey gasped as many small tongues ran all over the surface of her dick, plucking at her skin and tugging at her vascular bumpy veins.

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Oceanside Muscle (Re-Post)

His balls fought with his massive legs for precious breathing space, throbbing vascularity rife along his sweaty sac.

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New Model

His rippling pecs, vascular biceps, obscenely well hung commission. "fuck..." his dick flexed in anticipation again. the shrill tone of his buddy rotto pierced snagg's eardrums for the first time in weeks.

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Virgin Virus - Ch14: Black

Charles is dragged by his legs while the chimera held its prick, so vascular and thick.

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The Best Fucking Mechanic I Know

The tiger growled as his cock flopped up over his hard belly, drooling pre-cum down it's vascular length.

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381 The Nuclear Dance

There are a couple of dull red ones where parts of her vascular system are being patched, but most of the other color codes are being swept behind the enormous wave of purple.

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