Nicholas Sykes: School Queer (Part 1)

The usual beginning to dinner was each of the bowls was passed around the table so we could spoon out the vegitables and other side dishes onto our plates next to the main course already on our plate thanks to mom before she even sit down.

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Cor's Big Book of Unfinished Works

Struck by an errant meteorite as it collided with the earth's surface, it had first made sure to obliterate the lounging snow leopard and a good six feet of the surrounding vegitation - leaving nothing but a thick white pool of liquid in his place.

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Year of the Rat Chapter 5 Diamonds

The rat was taken aback at how he barely saw a handful of humans among the creatures holding up strings of jewls,vegitables,booths set up with glistening metals and preciouse cloths.

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Year of the Rat Chapter One. The Beginning.

He would gingerly sip the soup there was no meat in his soup only diced vegitables and a thick broth. he smiled up to his foster mother who beamed at him from across the wooden table nothing but love in her eyes for her not so human son."

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Hist Dreams

I took another bite of my soup, and looked into it for a moment, stirring the vegitables and broth around idly. "of course." i said, wisely. and then i listened. there were seven who had conspired against her.

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The Last Nuke

Do you think they could see roots of vegitation?" "maybe, but they're pretty tiny, doc." that didn't stop jaime, however. he saw a faint pattern in the tiny speckles that looked like just noise.

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Greywood: Monster

Perhaps against one wolf, using all her tricks, she may have eluded him, losing him in a cliff that was too steep or a tangled cluster of vegitation. she knew places in the western forest that were perfect for exactly such a break.

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Kayla: The Ultimate

Visual contact will also be difficult, due to the dense trees and vegitation that thrive on the mineral. while it would be the perfect place to hide, i do not see how kayla could have done what she did from the magnedroxide hill region.

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