Afternoon Delights

"jeez la weez!" the skunk bellowed, jumping up from the couch and falling backwards. within a moment he was standing back up, ears quite red and his glasses a bit fogged. "i told you deimion, no hanky-panky!

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Pokemon: Roxie's After-Party

"least you got off lucky, i woke up next to a weezing." "how." that was all roxie could say as she sipped her coffee. "seriously, lou. fucking how." "i don't know. apparently he was good though because he tried kissing me before he left.

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Crusader Part 2

Wejo says with painful weezes "i... caaaan... see... why... they call... you... anu...bis!", he lets his hammer go as he falls backwards with a massive, crashing thud.

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Fade to Black: a sad story.

"liar," mark weezed as he tried to punch at me more. "i swear, she bragged about people paying to see her body," i said as i blocked punches and dodged more as he threw them. "that was all behind her," mark gasped out, hyperventilating in the hall way.

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Chapter 13: The Persistence of the Golden Armor

Just then, a magmortar and two weezing approached them, appearing heavily bothered by the conditions. "they may be pokémon suited for this climate," summer noticed, "but i guess even they can't stand this heat. we'll have to capture them."

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 120

I guess i could see a resemblance with him and muk and weezing too. training with sharpedo was lots of fun surprisingly. sharpedo would ferry me across the oceans as we trained against trainers and wild pokemon.

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On your Garde(Vore)

He was both koffing and weezing as he tried to breathe the gastly fumes the stomach provided, rather than any proper air. but his aware mind, if one could call it that, still seemed calm and gathered.

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Halcyon University 4 - It Begins

I was about to take my shirt off when i heard someone yell "weezing smokescreen!" in a matter of seconds more then half the cavern was filled with smoke.

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Behind Enemy Lines

The fennec shouted, weezing. "jacob smith you are under arrest!" "for what reason?!" jacob yelled back slowly getting his stamina back. "don't play stupid, running from law enforcement and stealing valuable intel."

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A Fight for Love

She weezed for air while holding her stomach, her eyes wide with panic because she couodn't find her breath, but it eventually returned as the head guardsman put his foot on her shoulder and drew his pistol once more.

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Healing Love - Chapter 6

Tom staggered, coughing and weezing, sloppily walked away. this isn't over . . . i know it . . . max turned and hurried back to me and looked at my wrist. i hissed at his touch, my arm stinging, "easy, easy, baby." i looked at max.

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