
Yure purrs loud and starts to get quite a woody. all this baby play is getting to him and his eyes squeeze shut, as he sucks his thumb harder and faster.

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The vine in my mouth had grown, woody tendrils extending along my muzzle, holding it in place as a constant stream of sap dribbled down my throat.

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Episode Seven: MAAB

Eureka, the blade had a woody, rounded stem, and pulled out a good two spans longer than the rest. strong floor material. "yourmothersaidyouwerenesting!" "oh." tr'lia nearly dropped the blade for chuckling. "that. right."

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Teaser: Flight of the Fire Dragon

She showed him the ribbon which tied the woody stems together. it was perforated with a pattern of tiny holes. the red dog cocked his head. "i'm no expert in the language of flowers, but that means we should be leaving."

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Tabra's Vacation: Day One

As his member hardened it unsheathed into a soft, yet decidedly woody wrapping. as the two plants were stripping and suckling on him, a third one lifted his tail up and pressed its tongue against his tailhole.

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Lucario And The Aftermath - Chapter 1: Alone...

The woody scent of the forest starts to make him drowsy, tiredly taking each gruelling step. suddenly he spots a mysterious book on the grass just below him.

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Earth's New Masters Part 4 The Honeymoon Begins

I thought for a moment "ok, how about poppa woody, since you're always poppin' a woody," i said with a smirk. "some guys just have no control over themselves, their brains are in their balls."

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All right, so it wasn't going to win any woodies for originality. still, it was solid.

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Moonlight and Witchfire

The witch steps close to the maid, touches the ivy and the woody tendrils relax. aching muscles protest the release as they protested the captivity, prickles of pain flashing through both the females in tandem.

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Grace's dirty bathroom escapade

I tried johnny walker tonight and i can still feel its masculine, woody sear against my throat. the bathroom stall has phone numbers and lewd drawings, which only make me feel slightly horny and immature, two emotions i can't avoid when i'm tipsy.

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Foot Play

It could mean anything, a promise or even give hope, but the natural, stronger musk of byleth's bare feet drew her attention more and more, a little earthen and almost a little woody, prompting her to inhale again.

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Once, twice and again!

Buoyed, she considered searching for barton, but woody said that he was in the lower decks looking for "impolite hobbies."

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