Kion's Secret

"Come on!" Kion urged the moment the two of them stepped into the secluded cave. It had been months since he became the king, ruling by Rani's side. And while his new status was great there was something that was greatly evident as time went on. ...

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MAALUM: Chapter 1 - Jackal Style

They will chase you and the lion guard will come to save you, because today is the kupatana day. there, you convince the leader of the guard to let you enter the pride lands.

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Lion Trespasser

She was also covered in mud, "his version of the lion guard was...unique to say the least..." "yes, but the pridelanders grew to love them.

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Makucha the Lioness

Before the lion guard had just waltzed onto his turf without care more than twice. but it was after they grew up, eventually making it to the tree of life that really cemented his loathing towards lions.

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Janja And Jasiri - The Return Of The Tradition

It's been a long time since Scar was defeated and the Outlands are better than ever. Jasiri leads the Outlands and Janja helps her showing the other animals that they must always respect the circle of life. At first it was strange for Janja. He never...

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The Leader And The King

It's been a week since Kion came to visit the Pride Lands. His family received him with great joy and he had a lot of fun with them. It has been a long time since Kion has been so comfortable. After working for a long time with the Guard and now with...

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Attack of the Werehyenas 2

Things had become rather dull despite being the leader of the lion guard. he was fully grown now and his powers of the roar had only grown stronger as well. it was the same for the other lion guard members.

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Meant To Be

Azaad decides to help the lion guard, showing them a faster way to the pride lands. once there, they face vitani's guard, but hey are stopped by kiara.

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Bad Love

the lion guard leader had given his team the day off to rest from the stresses of the last few days. his thoughts distract him and kion reaches the border.

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Kion's Bad Day

A frequent trespasser from the outlands and archenemy of the pridelands protectors; the lion guard. janja had been defeated by the lion guard's leader several times and it infuriated him.

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Kiburi's Contest

Leading the crocodiles was more difficult than Makuu expected. They looked to him when issues befell the float. While he made good choices when it came to defending their spots and keeping them fed, there were other choices that the new leader had to...

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Ed's Successor

It was just another day out in the Outlands, with nothing going on Ed was just wandering around. These days he had a lot of free time. At a certain point, Shenzi figured it was best to let the next generation take over. They were adults and showed...

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