Chapter 2 - Brat and Breakfast

The husband only spoke in broken english but the wife knew a lot more. their children, hans and petra, spoke it fluently, but that was the remarkable thing about kids -- they learned quick.

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Of Snakes and Women

She smiled warmly at the native's broken english, nodding politely. "i look forward to the feast," she said slowly, still smiling at the little man. he grinned, turning and leading her away into the thick brush.

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Garro - Chapter 1: The Charging Bull

I was made fun of a lot for speaking in broken english but i quickly caught on and at times speak more fluently than most of the people who've spoken it their entire lives.

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Always Me - Chapter 4

Her message left me in fear and ludme, who was began learning a few small broken english fraises from the teal bird, had noticed and asked me about it. i just shook my head each time he brought it up and he eventually stopped asking.

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, asked a voice in, somewhat accented, broken, english. she jumped, startled, and spun around. the fragile champaign glass fell from her hand and shattered on the concrete with a soft tinkle.

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Chapter 6: Exposed in the light.

It let out a gurgling laugh, before cursing at its victim in broken english. "krynn!" it hissed, "last of your kind! we know your scent now! you cannot stop us!

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The Crest of the Wave

All he knew was there was a colored woman frantically asking for directions in broken english." she stood up and walked over to my side of the desk, stopping short on my side. "and he was scared, gregory, maybe more than i was."

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The Gateway

The young man spoke broken english, which allowed jonathon to convey his purpose. the young man ran off and came back with some papers for him to sign and a key.

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"The Wild King" epilogue pt. 1

He was an elderly horned mammal, a saola, from asia, and he spoke very broken english. he was friendly, though, and not only did he allow me to fill my water jugs, but he seemed to enjoy the conversation.

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The Road to Rathaven

Then it spoke in, albeit broken, english. "ram-goat blind me! ram-goat die by me! ram-goat! you die for me!" baphor scowled. "yeah, i don't think so. but, if you wanna fight..." he cracked his knuckles, smirking. "by all means.

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dragonheart a heart for a heart

english, the type that no one could ever understand.

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Being Rotor Walrus (unfinished Rotor story)

To his confusion, not only were they speaking in broken english, but his counterpart used several large scientific words. as he broke the connection just as the badnik grew giant, he muttered to himself that it reminded him "of bad anime".

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