Jahaliya: Birthing Day

You have a full eighteen years of child-rearing ahead of you!" jasmine bit her lip, looked between robin and the wet nurse, then exhaled through her lips. "you're right. both of you. thank you so much!"

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A Day in Heat

Her partner, as well as her companions, accounted for their promiscuity by doing the majority share of child-rearing once the babies were weaned.

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Nine Cuts

There's a joke on the island: the first people were born from an eagle's egg, and they learned their child-rearing skills from their avian parents--out of the nest and on your way you go. the same applied to many rituals.

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The River In The Mist

child-rearing has a way of bolstering a weak stomach.

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Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 16

I was born in a time where it was rare indeed that a female had the luxury of choice when it came to marriage and child-rearing. for some cultures, we were a commodity, a trade good the father would use to get new land or what have you.

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Chapter 18 Regret

I've seen cornerian single mothers balance child rearing with a day job and night school. but you and i... have a virtual family on greatfox. we have help. we should teach him to be strong from the day he's born."

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The Faithful

It wasn't like she was asking for a partnership built around sin, but one built on the foundations of the church's teachings on chastity, marriage, and child rearing.

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Hating your own element part two

It was now spring and females had eggs hatching and child rearing to do. there was a community picnic and the street was closed off. smith and his vaporeon were in the front yard by the grill.

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The Lesson

"they're only good for housework, child-rearing and giving into a male's demands when he wants some tail." he suddenly lurched back into the wall, his head making a solid thud against it.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 20

Perhaps for the best, though, my input on child rearing would have gotten me kicked out, and the job did afford me much travel and further research...and avoidance of many of their petty squabbles and lustful warmongering.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 26

"it helps young girls settle their heats and get some practical experience in child rearing before they find a mate to settle with." "i see..." he rumbled in thought, dipping his head down to lick along her cleft again.

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