Exotic Beauty One

Exotic Beauty One: That Night It had been about a year since Nicholas, a fosky with long brown hair and glasses, had started to date Sammie. The female was a vixen, but quiet the exotic looking one due to her fur color and patterns with different...

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Loving Time Three

Please read the description first. X Loving Time 3: Dorm Romance It then came time to eat that night and Lora wanted to prepare the food for dinner even if there wasn't that much to do for that task. "I want to," she told Nicholas with a smile....

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I had slept over before, but I never was the last one to fall asleep. I always nodded off fairly early, normally after having a few of the beers his dad would buy for us. One night, though, things went a little differently. My friend's a wolf, but...

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Rodney's Restroom Encounter [WS Addition]

Seeing some entertainment, Rodney had spent nearly all day at the local skating park. Whether it was just skating around, grinding on rails or attempting tricks that he couldn't pull off just yet, the short monkey no longer felt bored. At this point,...

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"A Date With Delilah" Visual Story (V0.3)

"A Date With Delilah" ===================== "Looking for a good time? Then you've come to the right person. Delilah can make your sexual dreams come true... for a fee." Mel, a new arrival to the city of W-, encounters an attractive...

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"A Date With Delilah" Visual Story (V0.4)

"A Date With Delilah" ===================== "Looking for a good time? Then you've come to the right person. Delilah can make your sexual dreams come true... for a fee." Mel, a new arrival to the city of W-, encounters an attractive lady...

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Meerkat Marking

Timon was humming to himself as he was deep in a thick clump of bushes, hunting for beetles. They were thick-shelled, crunchy kind that he really liked. He reached for them, grabbing hold before they could unfurl their wings and flutter away. Crunching...

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Candied Kris

Candied Kris By: Lapsa For: Fry Warning: Ageplay "O-oh wow, thank you again Ms. Kristen!" The young wolf's eyes widened as he looked at the large colorful sign of the candy factory in front of him. "Of course Fry, more than...

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Scar's old pack.

It was a long time ago in a mountain range north of an old enclave lab were some F.E.V. (Forced Evolutionary Virus) vats were stored. As the day starts the alpha female Scar's mother was going into heat with her mate dead she needed to find a new one...

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Man's Idol, Kitsune's Doll (WARNING: Cub, abuse, blood)

**Man's Idol, Kitsune's Doll** The crowd of the Tokyo Dome rose to its feet and applauded as she stepped down from the pitcher's mound. The familiar din of their adoration followed the singer on her short walk from the mound to the sidelines and...

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Raichu Harem Intruder 2

Laying on his back arms crossed behind his head a large buck Raichu relaxed in the middle of a forest meadow. The Rai let out happy little chuffs as he enjoyed the mild morning sun, cool dew laden grass, and the pika tongues lapping at his cock and...

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Professional Opinion

"It just feels like he never fucking listens to me, for fuck's sake just LOOK how he is dressed!" How many times has Quinn heard this? After seven years of being an LGBTQ+ relationship counselor in a rather densely populated city center, it must be...

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