The Lycanthrope Tails. Chapter Fifteen.

Seeing as how dakota wasn't or didn't have a survival instinct in the state of mind this feral version of jared put him into. "i doubt he could live with himself." "you don't know that!"

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Bird Prey

She'd all but reverted back to a feral version of herself, growling and moaning underneath this beast of a gryphon that had decided that she was his. her thoughts all went back to the same thing. breed.

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Kickaha's Day Off

Even just a feral version of his foxyote form would make father progress than crawling on his hands and knees like this. but, just as he was figuring out what animal would be best suited, he finally reached the end of the tunnel.

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Werewolf's Reprieve: Part 4

On the shelf was sitting a good sized white wolf, one that would almost pass off as a feral version of me. i decided then that was going to be my gift, and that i was going to win it. "hey ryan check that out," i said and pointed it to him.

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Restroom Service

You'd think they, with their feral versions being renowned for speed, would be the fiercest rutters of the lot, but they actually seem to like taking their time, taking care to slide their enormous lengths in and out from tip to base (or wherever they can

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Pim Chapter Seventeen and Eighteen

J'kael moved his tongue and toothless mouth (his race only had lower teeth like the feral version of his race did as well). and j'kael's tongue milked all of drang's cum out of this first load, from his much bigger balls.

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Curse Of The Dungeon Boss; All Hail The New

He could change himself to a four legged stance that looked, to him almost like a feral version although he was a much larger size than a feral fox. he would soon learn more about his new race.

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Lewd Long Walks 1 of 2

Seemed like the only solution to a feral version of ceylon since i am nobody's pet but my own! either way, we have one sexy cynder visiting runa and ceylon, where ceylon demands a certain kind of attention.

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Walls Book 1 - Ch 20 : Reconcile

"at first it was like a feral version of me, it could barely speak, but it's been changing... now it looks like me and i call it volkov, we share the same memories, our thoughts blend at times, he helps me." "i see," athena answered.

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work place fear turned love

"today jason i am going to break your fear, by putting you back going back to that fateful day when the feral version of me or my kind bit you" she gave me the food and i looked at it i then opened it and it was just like the petting zoo feed, "how will

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Shells 00-01 - Hatchday Party at The Ranch

He had a pack of ulokar, a flock of feral gryphons, and a hoard of laurossins - the feral version of dragons, all in appropriately enclosed spaces. didn't want the laurossins or gryphons flying away.

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Yowling in the Hills

The feral version of her, the one that earned her the nickname, had no interest in him, most likely. she had her own kind to keep her company. it was just a matter of finding them. meanwhile, canimus had to wipe off the traces of his loneliness.

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