Old Flames

Kreel stirred. There was, at first, no outward sign of it: he lay motionless atop his great mound of gold, curled round in a circle so the tip of his long tail rested on the scales of his slender neck. The only evidence that he was awake was the...

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Flaming Delights

Flaming delights By DeltaMaleH20 Um, well, this is awkward... I walk into the ice-cream parlor, wielding my phone and the tinder app I met my date and what do I see? A screaming child and my date standing behind the counter with a tight smile on her...

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Old Flames

It all started with her getting a LinkedIn account. Rachel's husband had made her a profile since he was updating his own with some new work contacts and a new certification he'd recently gotten. He encouraged her to fill her account up with her own...

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Flaming Restaurant

Flaming Restaurant There's one little often overlooked truth about Realm-Jumping that, granted, isn't that big of a deal. But when you are doing it over and over again for days on end, it becomes a serious problem. Actually, there are two...

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Rekindled Flame

Travis soon returned with a few boxes of candy, stepping carefully around the bucket of popcorn once again. He sat down on the seat beside Duke, and carefully lifted the bucket of popcorn so it rested on their armrests. Duke was impressed by how easily...

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Desert Flame

Jessica abhorred parties. It wasn't the atmosphere or the people. It was how fake it all was. Every pleasantry and false words of politeness and care seemed designed to give the appearance of care for one another but none of it was ever real. The...

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Flames of Transformation

At first he thought that it might have been some punk trainer trying to attack him. He had been walking through the dark streets of Saffron city alone, mind a whirl after getting his butt handed to him by Sabrina, the resident gym leader, not more than...

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Fists of Flame

The stadium was booming with roars of celebration and disappointment. Pokemon from all over gathered around, swinging their fists around either in approval or protest. At the center of all this noise was the source of the frustration and...

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"Returning Flames"

Introduction: "Four Years Earlier" \*Zane's POV\* _'Why can't I be like everybody else? Why am I so useless and broken?'_ Heya everyone the name's Zane, I'm a brown and silver wolf, I'm just your typical high school senior. I'm pretty much the...

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Sex with a Flame

Sex with a Flame Ok, this is my first one so be nice with this please. Now that my begging's over let's get down to business. This story is about two characters from season 2 of Digimon. Davis and Flamedramon. So, since these two are obviously...

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Flame War

Despite his best efforts, Rakim's fears around his Irshad's ongoing holy war against the flames continued to grow. "Do... Do you think you're going to be a firefighter for the rest of your life, mother?" Her countenance darkened a bit at this. "I know...

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The Flame's Rider

A woman cloaked in flames riding a creature of immense proportions crashed into a small farm outside of the castle.

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