Dorzeli: A Species Description

As mentioned before male/male or female/female couples will find a reproductive mate at this time; even transformed humans that were gay will give in to this basic urge. all dorzeli sexually mature at ten years but are not fertile until twelve.

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Dorzeli: A Species Description

As mentioned before male/male or female/female couples will find a reproductive mate at this time; even transformed humans that were gay will give in to this basic urge. all dorzeli sexually mature at ten years but are not fertile until twelve.

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Erika Whitehoof - Chapter 8

We both know that the market for that particular effect is not very lucrative, as the sale of potions with similar affects mostly coming from lesbian couples who want to conceive a child during a single night and not permanently change their gender" cyli met

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My Journey Through High School: Chapter 21: 21 Candles

"well ryan," he whined, "i never said i didn't hate her anymore, but i've just never seen a lesbian couple in the flesh, call it curiosity."

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A Change of Perspective Part 3

Most villains wouldn't invite their heroic rivals over to eat other heroes they captured in a battle, but fortunately for red the leaders of the warren, a married lesbian couple who were the mothers of the rest, including emma, didn't have time for all that

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Scent Seduction: Pool Party Paradise

As expected the more high profile guests started showing up early including stevie stripes and harley haven , the hottest lesbian couple in porn.

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1.0 The Pilot Episode or 'Accidental Boyfriend'

There was also a lesbian couple and a few straight couples, and they all just stood there, grinning. it was like a photograph of a group of friends, and there was text over the top of it. 'acceptance doesn't conform'.

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Revelations (A2,B2,C8)

Then how come it's more dangerous to straight couples than it is to lesbian couples? whoever suggested that to you ... man ... they were seriously flawed, you know? this is japan, man.

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The Secret - Part 17

He was glad that melanie and the kids all knew about the agreement for him to impregnate dianna as a favor to the primarily lesbian couple.

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Summer Camp

If were all there and willing to confess our truths than gabumon might see that this school is actually made up of more gay and lesbian couples. gabumon wouldn't be able to fight it all."

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The Masters Chapter 8

At first glance, he was certain he'd walked into a gay bar: dim lighting, music that no straight male would be caught dead listening to, a bar complete with a rainbow maned lion for its bartender, and gay and lesbian couples in every direction his eye

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