Bunny Invasion: A Lesson of Love

Story by Kaizer Ryu on SoFurry

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#13 of Bunny Invasion

This is it! The last chapter of the original series. There will be a 'years later' epilogue to show how things have changed and then on to the prequels.

At last Lyla's true intentions are revealed. Planning, plotting, and risking so much under the nose of a paranoid oversexed hyper bunny has all cum to this. This desperate attempt to save Marie from hirself will have far reaching consequences, though who can say whether they are good or awesome?

The neighbors had gotten over the fact that they had a lesbian couple next door fairly quick. Once the novelty wore off any excess nosiness died out and left Kit and Fennith with as much privacy as one could expect from the exurban home. It was probably a good thing too at the moment. Downwind a fantastic scent filled the air, triggering some interesting responses from residents. The source slowly leaked from under the front and back doors of the Tigyra residence, roiling pools of white that flowed like paste over the cement steps. Forced to move faster because of back pressure, the glacial flow spread out into the grass and soaked into the ground, a more and more obvious pool forming.

If one were to step inside the house they would be treated to quite the sight. Assuming they weren't female or herm, at least. Then they'd likely just get flows of disturbingly determined sperm crawling up their legs and seeking warm holes to call home. Everyone else would see a typical middle class home that looked like a glue factory had exploded inside it. Even the smallest crevices in the ceiling or walls, from light fixtures to outlets to vents, oozed rivers of the gooey stuff as more still flowed down the steps and soaked into the carpet. The entire first floor was inundated, waist deep in cum so thick that trying to walk through it was an exercise in futility. Sperm the size of eels and smaller swam through it, breaking the surface and splashing back down in some twisted mockery of a lake.

If one managed to get the basement door open the sight wouldn't be much better. Gravity had insured that it had filled first, the steps completely gone under a pool of white and everything down there from floor to ceiling flooded with that same massively virile bunny seed. The opaque mass moved and swirled under the power of the sperm within, the questing wrigglers determined to seek every possible chance to breed. How many people would think they could get pregnant from something as innocuous as washing their hands? When the flood pushed its way into the water heater, the pilot light long extinguished, and worked its way up through the pressurized pipes and into the larger public section of the water delivery system it became a definite danger. Anyone with a fertile womb further along the system taking a bath or shower was going to be surprised with a big litter soon enough.

Sheets of sticky cum oozed from the second floor bannisters, randomly spilling thick clumps to splatter more of the obscene mess everywhere down below. Yet no matter how much poured off there was never a break or lessening. If anything the volume was increasing! The steps of the stairwell up were hidden much like the ones to the basement, cum piling up on each one until it had become a slow rolling river of slime that gave little indication of where the wood framework was.

Once on the top floor it became more obvious where the source of this flood was. Down one end of the hall heading towards the rooms Marie and Lyla had been staying in the flow dropped slowly. The open door showed a layer at least ankle deep, the level visibly rising with each pulse of the off white sludge from the other direction. The depth increased greatly in the other direction, packed in the restricted space now that the adjoining rooms were flooded. Fennith's computer room, largely unused since Marie had made hir move, was inundated. Someone had stacked the electronics much higher, the desk it had been on lost under the feet of musky cum. The bathroom Kit had ripped up was likewise lost in a sea of goo, cum clogging up the tub and sink not long after it had first spilled over into the respective basins. The workshop Kit used for her continual changes and upgrades to their home fared no better, power tools set up and out of the way but several half-finished projects potentially unsalvageable thanks to their semen bath.

Yet the worst of it came from the master bedroom. Every pulse of seed originated there, the cum level rising and falling regularly as the one-fur natural disaster continued. The sounds of happy splashing could be heard, Fennith's sloppy tail wagging about as she frolicked like some puppy during their first time in a pool. Despite the density of the goo and the mass of her belly, the hyper female moved as if through water, only stopping to take another bath in the cum fountain that was her Mistress's cock. If Marie had been lower to the ground it was entirely possible the wolfess would have sought to plug up her pussy every so often, the squirming mess driving her to orgasm repeatedly as the bunny's determined wrigglers squeezed into her once again heat-stricken womb by the millions.

Kit rested against the submerged bed, her tail squishing against her well-bred tunnel while a stream of off white forced its way inside her already bred passage. A strange mix of incredible energy and unfathomable exhaustion gripped her. The hours that had passed since she'd been impregnated had seen her belly shrink slightly as she digested her meal only to swell back up again and then bigger still as the hyper cum sought refuge in her womb. There was still no way she'd fit through the door. Bathed in rutting musky sperm she had shoveled pawfuls into her hungry maw regularly in between attempts to milk herself. As her fingers squished through the lacquered coating she could feel the heat of production pouring off her swollen mounds, yet she could never get more than a few weak spurts to leave on her own or a gush or two when Fennith suckled before she was plugged up again by Marie's insistent wrigglers. It was like hundreds of little things tickling her nipples, plugging up each and every entrance to her ducts as she backed up more and more. Soon she wouldn't even be able to reach her own nipples, and it would be months more before she had kittens to feed!

Then there was the tingling on her groin that wouldn't go away. More than the sperm, it was slowly growing worse and driving her a bit wild. As she was now there was no means for her to reach it save for her tail, and that wasn't helping. When Fennith hopped next to her, those beautiful bright eyes looking on in joy, and scooped those full breasts from the cum lake for another snack Kit stopped her, shaking her hips from just above the cum line. "Hun, I'm going crazy here. I need your tongue elsewhere~" The already cheery wolfess brightened even more, smiling widely before splashing around to take care of her wife. "Anything for you, love~"

As Fennith knelt into the cum pool, dipping her head into the mess to gulp down wave after wave of bunny cum while licking her wife's slit, Lyla took stock of what had happened so far from her perch atop Marie's massively gravid form. There was little doubt the house was a disaster area, Marie's rut multiplying hir cum output several dozen times. The tigress hadn't meant to ruin her sister's home like that, expecting they'd have a big mess in the bedroom and some of the hall along with a potential pregnancy in the larger tigress. By the time what was going on became clear there was no simply way to mitigate any of it save for the minor efforts she'd taken while Marie had filled hirself up. Lyla had hoped they might time it just right and only make Marie pregnant, yet here they were looking at Marie, Kit, and possibly even Fennith stuck with permanent pregnancies. It'd serve a nice reminder to Marie, but Lyla could only hope Kit wouldn't hate it once...or if...she got over her rut-induced sluttification.

Being the only place save the attic safe from the deluge that soaked every square inch of the rest of the house, Lyla had napped as best she could atop her bunbun after finally getting the tube free from Marie's starving puss. The freshly bred hyper shook under her even now, chin resting on hir milk-spurting globes as shi came and came and came. Lyla was glad Kit had made the rooms so large, letting her fill Marie up until the bunny could reach up and barely touch the ceiling if shi so desired without squishing the other occupants. The wobbling dome of fuck, breed, and newly growing embryos jostled her with each splurt of seed, making her own cum belly wobble and the massive heat that had set in beg her to just dive off into the waves of some of the strongest seed she could likely find.

As her paws ran over her belly she noticed her chest had swollen as well, streaks of wetness running from her nipples and over a pair of itchy spots below them. Her pheromonally driven impulse to sup from the fountain of virility was definitely going to have consequences, it seemed. Her growling belly getting her to scoop up yet more mouthfuls of the heavy goop wouldn't help either. Shrugging and knowing there wasn't much she could do about it now, Lyla absentmindedly rubbed the itching spots as she took a look at her mate. Marie's eyes were rolled up, blue barely visible as hir tongue lolled out of hir mouth and drool pooled in hir massively inflated cleavage. It was the most vulnerable Lyla'd ever seen her love, the dominant stud always on guard and always, always, always trying to think ahead. It reminded her that the most crucial part was yet to come. Marie had dared to trust her, and she'd used it as a weakness. The last lesson she wanted Marie to take from all this was to close hirself off. Judging by the state or Marie's balls, shi had at least as long a time left to finish as shi had spent spurting already. After that it would depend on how long it took Marie to recover hir senses as to which plan the tigress enacted. Assuming her own heat didn't drive her mad in that time while surrounded by such potent seed. Glancing over at her sister and sister-in-law, she could only wonder what kind of scene Marie would wake to...

Nearly a full day had passed since Lyla's bold move had sent Marie into a spiral of all consuming lust. Shi was not used to being so utterly drained, every muscle aching from use and even hir balls feeling as if they were empty for the first time in many years. Hir belly felt immensely full, like shi'd eaten far too much, yet it felt...right. It reminded hir of the first time shi bred hir mother. The moment shi'd first spilled hir seed into a fertile womb, and doing so without permission of the female's stud, had been glorious. This was like that, only so many times better. Like having a constant nagging pain you'd almost gotten used to suddenly relieved and wondering how you ever lived with it before.

Shi could feel tremendous heat inside hir, as well as the tickling of countless tiny fingers everywhere. Hir paws ran over hir belly absentmindedly, feeling the fuzzy dome as it wobbled and gurgled. It was almost painfully hot to the touch as it went about its primary duty, the hyper bunny's senses picking up the pricks in hir womb as new embryos attached themselves in a near constant stream. Judging by the rate, once shi went into labor for the first time it would be a month at least before it stopped!

As hir mind started functioning again, shi was able to focus hir eyes. Blocking hir view were a pair tremendous tits, hir sluggish mind taking several moments to realize they were hir own. Their production made them wobble and swell before hir eyes, excess milk spurting out with each beat of hir heart. Shi could only groan as the true extent of what had happened really hit hir. Shi was pregnant. Immensely, irrevocably so. Pregnant with hir own cum. Even if it never happened again shi'd be regularly pumping out litters of bunnies even after shi finished the initial glut. Shi hadn't expected a quick glance in the mirror to be the last time shi'd ever see hirself with anything short of a bloated swell packed with growing young...

A bit of movement along with a purring growl on hir back drew hir attention next. Familiar paws rubbed along hir ears before Lyla pulled hir to the side for a kiss. Half lidded eyes greeted hir, Lyla's tongue slipping in to hir mouth. Shi could taste hir own cum in the kiss, Lyla's heat pushing through the cloud of musk suffusing everything. The tigress was insistent, moaning and groaning through it all and only allowing quick gasps for air before going back in. Marie could feel wetness along hir back, Lyla's hips grinding against hir fur and spreading her leaking juices everywhere. For minutes this continued until she shuddered, several spurts of wetness coating the bunny's back as she pulled away. "Nnnggg...welcome back to the waking world~"

Marie really wasn't sure how shi felt. Shi still loved hir kitten, yet what she'd done to hir... Tricked hir, bloated hir, turned hir into a bunny factory, and only given the chance because Marie had dared to trust her. It hurt. It hurt a lot. When shi found shi wasn't sure if that kiss was from the incredible heat pouring off the worked up tigress or genuine affection it stabbed deep. There were so many things shi wanted to say, yet they seemed best summed up in one word: "Why...?"

Lyla seemed to calm down a bit after her quick orgasm, scooting around until she could rest her chest around Marie's neck and set her chin on the bunny's head. It was immediately obvious that the tigress had not gotten off scot free. The breasts squishing around hir neck were not the ones Marie remembered. Swollen mounds easily passing a G cup vibrated with the tigress's purring, milk running thickly from those nipples and tickling Marie's nose. But that wasn't even the biggest surprise. No, that was the second pair roughly as big squished against hir shoulder blades. When those long floppy ears were used as a blanket, new sounds could be heard under the purring. Familiar, yet unusual, Marie found hirself unable to place them as Lyla spoke. "Many reasons, love. The one I know you know but won't admit is that you needed it. You needed to get bred badly. Believe me when I say I didn't intend to have you knock yourself up during a rut. It was just too late to stop once you hit it. None of us got away without consequences."

Those delicate paws encouraged Marie to look downward, hir position almost eight feet in the air giving hir a view of orange with black stripes propped up over gray. Both Kit and Fennith were far more swollen now than when shi'd last looked at them. The room was a goopy mess, every surface below seven feet coated in an inches thick layer of still steaming cum, as the two lovers cuddled. But it seemed...odd. With the sheer size of Kit's belly, it would have been easier to lie next to her wife rather than across her back while turned to the side with that heavy dome resting partially on the bed. Despite the angle Kit's tits were only partially obscured, the twin mounds swollen far beyond even her sister's chest. It was actually pretty impressive she'd managed to get herself off the ground with both that belly and those tits weighing her down.

Fennith's paws wrapped around Kit's nipples from below, the wolfess barely visible as her head was encased in expansive boobflesh. Twin streams of milk erupted from the thick nipples, splashing on either side of her head and over those magnificent orbs as she panted, Kit's body shaking slightly. "C-come on, love~ Again~!" Kit leaned down to kiss her wife before placing her paws on the breeder wolf's sides, Fennith moving those nipples to her mouth. Kit's hips rose, and with a rough thrust they impacted Fennith's pregnancy-enhanced backside. The wet squish wasn't the only thing noteworthy, either. The pair of overly plump orbs lightly encased in orange fur very much caught Marie's attention. Fennith gulped between thrusts as Kit shifted a bit, the move letting Marie see quite clearly that shi wasn't the only herm in the room anymore.

Though it wasn't even half as big as Marie's, it was still sizable by normal standards. It seemed species appropriate, judging by the spongy barbs that could be seen with each backward thrust. That hadn't been a constant in past gender changes. Fennith seemed beside herself, shaking from both inward and outward thrusts, those barbs no doubt scraping along her birth canal. Marie couldn't help but wonder if it might trigger ovulation in the hyper female as such barbs were meant to in other felines, only to have hir inner scientist interrupted once again. With every pull back shi got a look at Fennith's filled nethers.

Both of them?

Yes, both of them. The wolfess had sprouted a new sopping tunnel ripe for breeding, a bit of blood staining her underbelly fur suggesting it had been new in every way. Even from here it was pretty clear the original one was not nearly as heat engorged as the one gulping on virgin tigress herm dick. Marie's surprise mingled with hir curiosity as shi watched, unable to do anything but observe from afar at the changes wrought in hir two newest pet breeders. Lyla nibbled on the base of hir ear as they watched, her paws running down to rub the massive milk factories Marie's tits had grown into. "I've had to watch them go at it over and over again since your cum finally started to drain out. Kit's been breeding hir own pups inside Fennith off and on for the last several ho-OURS!" With a sudden jerk Lyla stiffened, mewing as her body shuddered in a small spontaneous orgasm. "Myaaaa~ You can smell it, can't you? How deep in heat I am? Can you hear what else your cum did to me? I think I hit some kind of threshold, love. I don't know how I stopped myself from taking a swim in your sperm lake, but I can guarantee you I'd be massive if I had~"

Marie still couldn't figure out what shi was hearing. Lyla's heat was making focus nigh impossible, hir balls already feeling full and hir cock swelling against hir will even after that intense orgasm. Despite hir situation hir hips had started to rock on their own, enticed by the rutting mates below and Lyla's potent scent so close to hir. Trying to look Lyla in the eyes and ignore hir body's insistence, Marie attempted to get more answers if only to distract hirself. "But...hahhh...but look at me. There's no stopping it. I've kept Mom pregnant almost constantly for the last 15 years. I'm going to dwarf her numbers halfway through the first batch!"

The tigress licked her mate's button nose before kissing it, looking at hir sadly. "I know, love. I know... Kit's already stuck that way, and with how many crawled in Fennith I wouldn't be surprised if she is too. This wasn't how I planned it. Yet with you stuck like this, forced to merely watch, it serves my lesson well enough." Marie's ears picked up movement along the outside of the house, hir eyes glancing out the window. The sheen of white extended past the lawn and across the street, hir cum generating a flood that was only growing bigger. Shi actually couldn't help but smile, the sloshing belly holding hir in place barely a fraction of hir total output. It wasn't until a shadow passed in front of the window and it slid open that hir smile fell away.

The smaller rabbit that crawled through the open pane made hir scowl. Being largely helpless was not something shi was accustomed to, and being so in front of the male that had so effectively taught hir the uselessness of that gender was not making hir happy. "What are YOU doing here, old man?" Timothy visibly cringed at his daughter's voice, furtively glancing at the window while also turning quite red at Kit and Fennith's actions. "If you've come here to try and make nice or dispense some of your pathetic advice you can shove it. I learned more from watching you cower than anything you could possibly say would ever-mpph?"

Lyla's paws clasped around Marie's muzzle, muffling those words. "Actually, love, I told him to come here. I also told Anne about your plans and had her to give him the message. I almost didn't expect him to show up, much less have followed my instructions. But I guess you taught him to follow orders very well." With a shift in weight and a quick *splish* into the remaining layer of semen Lyla slipped off Marie. The lack of movement in the thick sludge despite the immense heat emanating from her made clear that all sperm in the vicinity had found a nice wet and fertile hole to crawl into. It did even less to put Marie at ease as shi watched the omega bitch of hir youth stand stock still as Lyla approached him, Timothy's eyes darting to the nude and overheated tigress for the briefest moment before looking away as he wrung his paws. Without hesitation Lyla put her arm over his shoulders, the rabbit stiffening up even as an unexpected bulge formed in his pants. "He's going to help me with the rest of your lesson."

Before Marie could respond the room was filled with twin blissful screams as Kit hilted hirself inside Fennith, grunting and moaning as shi pumped another steaming batch into hir wife. The three onlookers watched as Fennith visibly swelled with each pump, the hormones in Kit's system sending hir new organ into a hyper state and letting hir properly seed hir love in their first time. Panting and mewling replaced the cries of happiness as the two of them rode their high, Kit's paws caressing Fennith's larger middle almost reverently. Fennith's neck craned, squishing her newly virile wife's tits apart to meet Kit's lips, the pair savoring a new facet of their long courtship in one another's embrace, oblivious to the daggers Marie stared at hir 'father' between longing glances at the entwined lovers.

Trying to look tough while lying atop an eight foot tall dome of your own cum was probably a losing battle, but Marie tried it anyway. Shi wasn't ready to part with what remained of hir dignity. "What lesson? Trust is how the foolish get burned? Because right now I'm questioning how much of our time together was a lie." The look of hurt on Lyla's face once those words left hir lips actually made hir regret them. Today seemed to be a barrage of emotions shi was not used to. Words that had formed in anger, accusatory questions dredging up all hir suspicions and paranoia, died in hir throat. But that just made it worse. Revenge shi could understand. If it wasn't that, then what was it?

Timothy wasn't sure where to look. Glancing towards Marie only got him that same blood curdling predatory stare. Glancing to his left had him watch the bloated and mind-fucked couple enjoying each other. Glancing to the right left him looking right at Lyla's massive milky mammaries. To look just about anywhere else was to see the result of Marie's excess. "I-I shouldn't be here. I...I took what you gave me, but..." Squirming, as if his pants were far too tight, he looked about ready to bolt if Lyla moved her arm. "...but I feel weird. I thought I could do this but I can't. Not in front of hir. Please, I'm sorry, I just-" His protests were cut off as Lyla smooshed him to her chest, the twin pairs of breasts engulfing his head and soaking it in milk.

Lyla's free paw drifted downward as he froze, grasping the smaller bunny's pants and depriving him of them. Marie had seen what he looked like naked on several occasions, the majority of them being when he masturbated while watching hir fuck hir mother into a drooling stupor. Like most of today what shi saw was not as expected. An actually appreciable cock, already hardening, hung between his legs with a pair of balls larger than his fists. Compared to his normally pathetic below average set, he almost looked like a respectable breeder. He whimpered and grunted into Lyla's tits as she gripped his shaft, slowly stroking it as it swelled larger. Half hard it was more than a foot long, Lyla unable to wrap her paw around it completely by the time it reached its full 20 inches. Urges Marie was unfamiliar with passed through hir, the sight making hir belly tingle in craving. It disturbed hir greatly. "What, did you tell him he'd finally get a piece of me? Sorry, I may be stuck here for now but if he so much as touches me back there I will crush his ribs."

Still stroking, Lyla could only sigh. "And that's why he is perfect for this lesson." Releasing his head, she pulled the sticky sheets off the bed to reveal the cleaner layers below. "I didn't promise him you. I'm going to enjoy him myself." The sound of the gears in Marie's head grinding to a halt was almost audible. A wide eyed, dumbfounded stare was all shi could manage as Lyla pulled hir father onto the bed by the cock. Positioning herself between his legs, she wrapped both paws around his throbbing length as the rabbit male squeaked from sensations he was largely unaccustomed to. With a quick lick of her rough tongue along his leaking cock head Timothy grunted and bucked his hips, his balls clenching and a rope of thick cum squirting across Lyla's face. Wad after wad plastered the tigress's head, gumming an eye closed and coating her nose before she took to gulping it down, loud purrs clear through the room as her tail swished.

When the cum fountain ended after nearly a minute, Lyla pulled off and smacked her lips. "Delicious~ Maybe it's the way I changed your herm enhancement formula to work on males or maybe it's him being another rabbit, but he tastes a lot like you right now, love."

Seeing Lyla dirtied with his inferior seed like that seemed to snap Marie out of hir shock, an angry smirk on hir face. "He's always been a quick shot. Five, six seconds at best watching me pork Mom and off he goes. He could never get it up again either even with all the pheromones flying around."

With a squeeze and a lick Lyla brought attention to the defiantly hard and throbbing member in her grip. "I think it's cute." Her mouth encased the head, sliding down his tumescence until again he cried out, cock bulging and scrotum contracting as he fired another load down her throat. Short breaths and gulps were all that broke the purring, another minute passing until he finished and she pulled off again. "You consider it a weakness. I consider it perfect for my purposes~"

As shi watched Lyla debase herself with the filthy omega male, those beautiful newly grown tits wrapping around him and spraying him with milk with every stroke, Marie's anger grew. "How can you even stand to touch him?! He couldn't even manage to sire a litter in the most fertile of rabbits! He's trash! Good for nothing but helping someone like ME do it right!" Timothy popped twice more, soaking Lyla's tits in his enhanced seed and not even seeming to hear hir as shi vented. Lyla had to understand this! He was beneath her!

Licking the cum dripping from her face and smacking her lips, Lyla looked up at the trapped bunny through one eye. Despite the mess she was it came off quite serious. "How many times did I question who you sought? Who you seduced? Who you bred?" Getting on her knees she moved to straddle Timothy, Marie opening hir mouth again before Lyla continued. "Not a word. I questioned your methods, but not your needs and never denied you an outlet. I was not given the same courtesy." Her hips gyrated, the thick cock tip slipping towards her pussy but never quite enough to slide in, the overeager rabbit firing off for the fifth time to coat that creamy belly in sticky cum. As spurt after spurt after spurt soaked into her fur, Lyla's heat clearly eating at her self-control, she bit her lip before continuing. "How many friends did you drive away? How many of them were so terrified of you that they fled my presence rather than risk your wrath or interest? I was not in danger. Our feelings were and still are mutual. I loved you then and I love you now. But you never once considered the collateral damage you cause in pursuit of your goals." Wiping the cum from her eye, licking it up until she could open it again, Lyla lifted up a bit to better position herself. "It is because of how much I love you that I was willing to get my sister, the last family that calls me such, caught in your sights. She was the only one I could ever ask to forgive me...as I made you pay attention at last to the consequences of what you do. And this time, you will see that you cannot have everything you want."

Marie's eyes were glued to Lyla's crotch, the sight of her slit so close to Timothy's cock twisting the bunny girl's stomach in knots. If she pushed in he'd go off. With her heat so strong, she'd be pregnant for sure. Pregnant by the most worthless male Marie had ever met. Every one of Lyla's words twisted hir guts up further, hir mind rebelling at what shi knew was going to happen. Shi and Lyla had planned their first litter to be upon the tigress's ascension to hyperism. Waiting had been terrible, but it had seemed in sight thanks to the comparison tests on Kit. Shi was watching as four years of dedicated effort were being squandered, willingly, with the male shi held in more contempt than any other.

Lyla's hips seemed to drop in slow motion, Marie's stomach turning painfully as shi heard the gasp and moan of hir father as he spilled his seed inside the only creature shi had ever felt more than lust for since shi'd awakened to hir sexual needs. Much of his cock was still stuck outside her as he impregnated her, Lyla grinding against him until with a yowl she dropped further. He was in her womb, painting it with sperm made capable by Lyla's own paw. She was going to have his kittens.

Those hips did not stop, either, gyrating and smacking against his as he pumped loads into her immensely fertile womb. Timothy squirmed under her, back arching and hips bucking as she rode him fervently. One orgasm ran into the next as her pussy milked him relentlessly. It wasn't long before Lyla's belly began to swell, a light paunch filling out larger and larger with each new pulse of cum. The lewd sight of her semen-dripping body rocking atop him, her middle bloating with every pulse of seed she drew from him and not helped at all when Fennith and Kit's rutting was rekindled by the activity, was more than Marie could bear.

Shi flailed impotently from hir perch, tear ducts left unused for a decade and a half running free. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. It was all wrong! Why did shi have to feel like this? Why did this have to hurt so damn much?! Every spurt of cum into Lyla's womb was a new dagger into Marie's heart, the bunny wishing desperately shi could get away from it. Shi had felt so powerful for so long, so in command and utterly in control, this helpless impotence magnified everything into a terrible storm of anguish. The mix of bliss and sadness in Lyla's face did nothing to help.

As her paw rubbed along her cum belly, the heavy mass jiggling with each rock of the bed, Lyla looked her sobbing mate dead on. "Remember this, my only bunbun. -Ooooh~- The pain written on your face is the same burned -ngggh yes cum in me~- into so many hearts as you stole love and promise for your own wants." Orgasm wracked her form, her thrusts growing wetter and faster as her breasts bounced against her growing belly and each other. "Ahhh~! Because -mmmph- if you don't, one day you will anger someone who will do what I did but -mmmmm~- without caring for what happens next." The groans of pleasure mixed in, the twisting of that beautiful, cum drenched face, made every moment worse for Marie. "And I may end up a gibbering cum -goddess yes fill me~!- addicted bimbo like so many of your conquests, living life apart from you. -oooh, yes, so many in me~- Something I cannot bear to think of."

Few words save for Lyla's delighted encouragements were said after that. Time and again she brought Timothy to orgasm, the small rabbit exhausted and helpless under her as her belly bloated bigger and heavier. By the second hour she looked to term with a nice litter. At five hours her belly wobbled over Timothy's face, the sphere of cum seeming overdue with several litters. By eight hours the poor rabbit was finally completely drained. When Lyla lifted off him, her belly big enough to cart a full grown fur around with ease, his endowments had returned to their normal proportions and his thighs were drenched completely in her pussy juices. Propping him up against the headboard, Lyla's paws squished into her belly, knowing she had been pregnant for hours now and would continue to become so for many more.

She wasn't a hyper yet. Like Kit she'd received a massive boost from ingesting so much of Marie's cum, but eventually it would wear off. From past experience she had probably about four hours of mobility left before her belly was simply too heavy to carry, and she was going to make the most of it. Looking at Marie, the bloated bunny despairing, she cracked a soft smile. That her love didn't shy away, the painful lesson being felt in its entirety, meant a great deal. But it wasn't over yet. "Hey, Fennith? I wanna borrow Kit for a bit if you don't mind. I'll give her back once my heat is put out~"

Bunny Invasion: Best Laid Plans

Before her changes, Fennith would never have believed she could move about the way she was. Even now it was rather hard to believe! Waddling along the hallways of her home, every step bringing with it a jiggle in her chest and stomach, the only thing...

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