Werewulf part 19

The loyal dog, the lost boy and the leeching monster. one of them steel, two of them flesh, all three of them powerful in their own way.

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The dream of mine

The fireguardian also ceased fighting and laid down besde him like a loyal dog. they both knew it was over and just gazed out across the valley.

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Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 2)

"you are a very loyal dog," he replied. "it is a shame you aren't a smart one. whoever crashed that plane wanted me dead, if you hadn't have stepped in that would be the case."

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Big Chief

Even though chieftain was twitching and groaning, pleasure surging through him, a loyal dog at heart, he wanted to make his master feel good, and reached for

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Sands of Lust

The jackal's ears flatten to his head as his tail thumps back and forth, almost like a loyal dog as he whimpers with sheer delight. "i am l-luke! uh, wait a moment! i am sorry for my impotence. i couldn't sense a godly aura from you.

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Friday chapter XVI Crazy Bitch

Athens was surprised to see her daughters' two loyal dogs without her and away from the farm and sheep they tended.

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That Which Is Desired :: VI: play

Falqon fed akio occasionally from his plate, and she sat patiently at his side like a loyal dog, there mostly for show.

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A Treat For The Dogs, After Party

Leaving the party on foot and unable to find her ride home, kayla is downtrodden, but left with no choice than to walk home in the cold and snow, accompanied by her loyal dog, sebastian.

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Sheep-Dog, Ch 11 - James, Boned

"and i'm a loyal dog. but i don't want my son to grow up in this kind of world.

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The Dinosaur exhibit

I felt oddly comfortable around him now like a really good friend or a loyal dog. he stared into my eyes with his dark yellow ones then broke contact to walk to my side.

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Goldfish Wishes

I wish we had a bitch in heat for you, make us some money off the pups, you little horn dog you," rick said as he began petting his loyal dog. even from outside, the goldfish bowl still detected the words of the ill-fated wish and began to glow.

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When All is Said and Done - Chapter 1

The wind rider asked in a bewildered tone, though he followed his master like a loyal dog. catching up to the hybrid rather quickly, he looked to him oddly, his unique hues held a confused emotion within them.

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