What Rhymes with Boy

Though, in a surprising mood swing, the wolf grappled him by the neck at took him by the back of his truck. the boy's face contorted into shock in mere seconds. "just on _one_condition."

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Boys' Locker Room Meeting

Rosa, a mean old croc who doesn't know when to shut the fuck up and always has weird mood swings, was screaming at me for not finishing his worksheet. i sat there in silence, staring as his mossy green face turned red.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 3c, Making Friends (pt 3)

Roland couldn't pass up the jibe despite the continued pain from his smirk, "mood swings... yea... you were worried." the human let out a huff, "you practically died, roland."

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Rivals and lovers

Coral was not having a great time with her mood swings and snapper trying to help. he went home every night after dinner and she finally got to relax. a month later she was not felling well and her pups were near.

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Taming the Werewolf - 7

Jacob noticed that the mood swings amanda had since she was bitten had never gone away, even as they had weakened the werewolf in her blood. the moon tonight was three-quarters full and waxing, and so the smallest things set her off.


Dire Situations - Chapter 1

Who in their right mind has mood swings like this. "can you just put your face to the side?" he asked did he just ask me a question instead of demanding me? "um.. sure thing." i answered, utterly confused by his sudden change of mood.

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An Improbable Encounter

Thankfully, the pilot was used to these mother nature's mood swings, so without any extra delay, the landing got expertly taken care of.

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Advent, Chapter 8-Infiltration

His human interface was obsolete, as he let himself be subject to mood swings. i remember when i had those, back when i used my old os with a primitive interface program. it made me look like a gay robot. this model was old, very old.


Spring Showers (ageplay zoo) Pt. 1

Though it seemed the stallion he had to wash was equally annoyed by the mugginess of a season prone to wild mood swings. thankfully they did have a nice stall to enter and escape the sun's rays, as randy muttered about needing to get sheared.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 9 (Sexual Tensions - Part 4)

"sorry, but between your mood swings, the effort you put into your hair and the fact that you cook, i mistook you a woman for a second there." naruto laughed as sasuke glared at him. "funny, my sides are hurting."

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Dumped at the Dog Park

That was a quick mood swing._ "um, what's up?" i offered weakly. "i've been waiting for two weeks to say this to you...i heard about you and nathan." _shit. _my eyes widened. "oh?" "yeah. you fucked him." direct...elliot was always direct.

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