Iron and Rust Chapter 4

"the format is completely multiple choice and will test you in english, math, science, and history. your scores will determine what classes you will be required to take from here on out." russ nodded in understanding. it sounded simple enough.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 101 - "Wish you were here..."

Probably because it had like fifty pages with multiple choice questions and certain scenarios complete with pictures and everything.

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Mage ch 7

"this is mostly multiple choice. there are some fill in the blank questions for input, and if i catch any of you cheating, you will fail. any questions?" no one raised paws, only waiting for this to be over with.

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Professor Noodle's Endosoma 101

They're pretty easy, multiple choice and a short essay. the final and midterms are cumulative and they should be pretty easy as well."

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Enter the Chimera

Masters" she instantly deleted her former line, "omega says it's too soon to work on the multiple choice spectrum.

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Welcome to the Rabid: Cry of the Wolf

I really studied hard, but the instructor, an old bastard named harry carter, threw a curve at us and insisted we complete a couple of pages of actual answers and not multiple choice options: the worst kind of test to get.

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Karma Express Delivery

It was multiple choice. it asked: did you watch the required training video to completion? a. yes b. no c. i don't know kickaha moved his mouse over the yes button and clicked.

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Everything's Jake

Jake knew nothing of spanish but managed to pass the class by the simplicity of the multiple choice tests they got. he knew that this class was worse than useless in actually learning the language, but he didn't' care. it was an easy credit.

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Coffee Shop 3

_why on earth does a business need to know every place i have lived in the last ten years or make me take a quiz with stupid multiple choice questions about what is morally right and wrong?

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Transfor-Mansion: Chapter 3

Each question will be multiple choice. there are no wrong answers, so please, pick whichever one you believe you would enjoy the most." "jamie, you have any idea of what's going on?" spencer asked. "no idea," he answered.

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Chapter 3: Fox and Mouse

She answered the short answer and multiple choice questions, read through them again to make sure she hadn't misread anything, and then looked toward the professor at the front of the room: a small stack of completed tests was resting on the rectangular

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Two of a Kind

It was 200 multiple choice and short answer questions of the subject that must be completed within 30 minutes, not to mention the five essays that went with it.

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