Red, Black and Grey Part 1, Chapter 3

Contenttype=0#sdfootnote1anc)sentari are a near human race that live on the closest solar system to old terra. with the exception of their hair color, which can range from aquamarine, to turquoise, to azure, they are almost exactly the same as humans.

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Ryan's Story XXII

He briefly wondered if it had occurred to mikail that his name was also nearly human, in fact could be considered the russian version of michael. he snorted at the thought. and so he spoke.

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Lykos - Mat P "Halloween Night" pt 2

Their growls and snarls cleared out the area a long time ago just leaving them and not another soul anywhere near, human or other.

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Streams of Life Chapter 9 part 1

And while his nearly human face offered some familiarity, his piercing emotionless eyes were that of a predator, golden and black.

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Master and Bitch [Story, Dog to Woman, F/M]

._ ein cried out in near-human pain when her hip cracked. her legs flopped uselessly as her spine rearranged and reconnected. she hated the cold, dead feeling when that happened but, soon, sharp pricks of pain danced along her back legs.

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Red Steel

Both now in near human form. sparks lit the knoll as fraoch drew red steel. the sound of grating metal was heard as the english dog drew his blade. the pair were evenly matched in size.

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Rat Prince: Act III

Some people had it on their own good authority that they saw, loping across the road, a strange, misshapen, near-human _thing_ - something that walked, limped, on two legs _but had a tail_,

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 1

James, a part-wolf "near human"--a person who is mostly human, though has some g.e.l.f. in their family lineage--and his second cousin lilly, a skunk g.e.l.f. with a smidgeon of wolf mixed in, have been lovers and mates since childhood.

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Jason & the Unicorn Ch. 3 (Commission from Tinaski)

The white near-human mare imagined him taking her in his arms after they were finished with their fun, holding her close to him as she rested her head over his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat while he traced her body with his curious fingers.

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Galactic Racing eXtreme, Episode 1, Part B

Then he laid a gentle, human-style kiss on her clit, putting his black lips to her pink, near-human flesh.

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Within twenty miles of the town, i instantly entered a world filled with animals that all but never ventured near human settlements.

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Compassion of Lust

The werewolf didn't have a sheath like normal wolves had, it's cock was nearly human in that aspect. it had a foreskin covered in dark grey fur. the naked male took a shocked step back as he gazed at the horny werewolf's body.

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