
Demonstrate his non-lethal uses and whatnot." "that sounds like a terrible idea." "of course it does. since we wouldn't want to break our one and only dragonmech, i think we could restrict their firearms to non-lethals, and make it a game of sorts."

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The trio gathered their guns, they were given airsoft guns as the department switched to more non-lethal ways of stopping criminals. guns were banned a decade ago and this was one of many results of it.

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Metamorphosis Chapter 5 [Stirring things up]

Since hodgepodge covered all the regular things ordia had to pretend as if she was coming up with tests that would add information, she would include reaction speed, response to electricity at non lethal levels, temperature, and some if they believed

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Plant Trap

And it is non-lethal fun she has in mind for him as she makes her way to a favored plant for just such fun.

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Plant Trap

And it is non-lethal fun she has in mind for him as she makes her way to a favored plant for just such fun.

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Hortense's Challenge

High above was a non-lethal fight between several dragons seeking the mating rights of a dragoness and those in line were waiting for the next competition, but the small dragoness was a new display that caught their attention.

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Fellegarran Travel Guide

When it became clear that monsters had changed to this 'non-lethal' form of combat, and learned where they each obtained their food -from-, they decided to follow suit and change their hunting styles to a similarly non-lethal form, so as to not upset the natural

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Menagerie a Trois

non-lethal but mentally damaging. perfect. managing to sneak his way through the layout of richter hall which he knew well from his time there. he also knew from his past plan the layout of the dorms of his nemesis.

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Misusing Trade Tools

non-lethal restraint that lasted for 2 hours. they called them ec shots, short for 'easy catch'. perfect for their job. the bear huffed a bit as he slung the fox over his shoulder. "i'll meet you back at the ship." "copy that, buddy."

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The Long Shot Part 1; The Squeeze

"one more thing gents, anyone who may have the possibility of escaping us must be stopped, non-lethally if possible, they are all a bunch of speciest bastards and could cause problems later on if they do escape".

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On the island

"and since the point of this game is for the contestants to neuter each other... it only stands to reason that all of the traps would be non lethal."

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Pietas: Ad Honorem

_ _ _28th of Maius, 8th year of Emperor Festavious_ _ What depths shall we delve in the search for our own truth? What hells shall we endure in the hope that the flames will cleanse us of our failures? Severus; the path that has brought me here has...

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