Scheming, Succeding and Beating

_ piss! piss! piss! piss! piss! dammit and piss! to the pit with stupid hollow-headed bureaucratic male weaseling wankers! is it so hard.... sooo hard to understand...

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His cute pee-pee is calm and cute, but his diaper is very soaked up. he was holding it in, but could no more, so he let go. now he is enjoying the relief.

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Frodo 0: Rex

It wasn't deliberate; in fact he did it while dreaming (a strange recurring dream he had, of all the other dogs in the pound gathering around him and peeing peeing peeing on him). but richard wasn't to know it was an accident... "what's that stink?

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018 - Prime pt.01

They actually shouldn't be drinking, they were ment to start taking new meds for their b pee pee ddt or whatever they diagnosed them with now.


Cubby and Alex

"it's my pee pee, for some reason it's hard and it hurts." alex whined. "i can tell you how to make it feel better if you want." said cubby, very matter of factly.

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The Little Grown Up

What was that stuff coming out of their pee-pees? "oh shit daniel get off my computer, that's big boy stuff," kyle said picking up his little brother from the computer chair.

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Cadance's Crinkle Care Part 2

And shiny didn't go pee pee!" i said with an encouraging smile. "now wrap up the wipes in his used diaper and go throw it away like a good girl!" i looked at the diaper as twilight rolled it up.

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Anônimo IV.

Tigre takes a happy sniff of the air, his pee-pee twitches, but doesn't start to get hard. yure goes first, stepping in the tub and then taking a seat, letting his body be engulfed in urine. - how's it feel master?

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Runnin' (After the Femmies)

**[big thang wang] ** still runnin' after femmies, i gets no sleep so busy dreamin' dat out my shorts the pee pee peepin', player pimpin like a motherfucking track star, on the late night creepin' my b.y.c., pluggin' up cuties' backyards, white

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The Vampire's Bride Part 2

"why is your pee pee in mommy's butt? and why does mommy have her own pee pee? i thought only boys had those daddy." both parents blinked a few times before looking at each other, feeling nervous on what to say.

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Our Father who aRT IN HEAVEN!

"well it's when one fur sucks on another furs pee-pee..." "oh...k..." came jon's response. "i was wondering if we could try it...i've been kinda wondering what it'd be like ya know..." david said as he continued to pace around the stall.

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The kinky kitty part 3

It makes my pee pee all wet" she says with a blush as she rubs her crotch which only makes her moan, showing her new mommy how much she likes it. jenny smiles "aw, my baby is very dirty and naughty" jenny giggles and smiles.

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