How I Met My Roommate

The bernard also found my dream as a private investigator very fascinating, asking me time and time again about the strange cases i encountered in my internships.

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 14

Turning to a life as a private investigator, he finds himself pulled into the society's politics. a man charged with delivering him a briefcase is found dead, and the case is missing.

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What His Wife Doesn't Use

The private investigator's photos showed him what he had suspected; his wife in the arms of another man. he was a scary looking guy, young, with muscles and tattoos.

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Zootopia Noir

A private investigator's descent into the dark underbelly of zootopia begins. if only i owned a dictionary. if i did i'd probably open it on the page for 'stunning' and see a picture of the vixen.

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Brotherhood's End (Patreon Preview)

He looked me up and down like he could hardly believe i appeared the part of a freelance private investigator. not the first time a client said it, honestly.

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Family Ties

Family ties i wasn't sure what was more surprising, that the praetor himself would call upon a lowly private investigator like myself, or that he would call me the day after i saw his assassination on the evening newsfeeds.

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Lox Vulpis Debut

I am a private investigator for the ts academy in longport and would like to speak with you about a missing person's report." the man said with a dispassionate tone upon stepping inside the lush, immaculately decorated room.

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 01

Turning to a life as a private investigator, he finds himself pulled into the society's politics. a man charged with delivering him a briefcase is found dead, and the case is missing.

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Chapter 1: Going to the Dogs

There are days when being a private investigator can feel a little awkward.

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Beasts, Arc I: Un-Bear-able (Part 4)

Besides, those private investigators killed him anyway. we have no need for his family. get rid of 'em." "we've already killed enough people as it is.

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