Dragon's Legend CH1 ~ Flight of a Winglesss Dragon

:d and i'm happy to say that i'm finally coming back to re-editing this story and making it a much stronger submission! "zerataph! what've you done?!"

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Caring for Your Epic Mount 1 of 2

When i post part 2, i will be re-editing this part and posting it all as one with both comic pages as one and the entire story edited in one spot, so there will be many ways for you to enjoy this.edit finished editing part 1, and i have updated the prose within

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Crossing the Line

Notice: this a re-edit of this story due to soren and eli's species change. however, i edited much of the story and the sex scene to match my current level of skill as a writer. this story is nearly 4 years old at this point.

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Sister Fucker

Re-post of a story that was taken down some time ago, slightly re-edited. title says it all. specials thanks to spear, without whom i would not have this story.

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R/7 The Deep

Each has its own cover, and each was re-edited before print. every time something gets lost, changed, or adapted; so much so, that if you skip forward a few editions, it is almost like seeing an all-new book."

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As Gay as the South is Red prt. 2

Going back and re-editing this for the umpteenth time felt like going through someone else's work, does that mean i'm growing as a writer?

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It might pick up

Not sure i like what so furry has done with the formatting, i copied and pasted from word and had to spend a little while re=editing, no doubt i did something wrong so i'll work on it for next story.https://www.sofurry.com/view/782161 part two "that's the

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Fox News

"actually, i have a few stories that i'm working on right now, and a couple that need to be re-edited. i'm also several pages away from finishing a graphic novel. if all goes well, that'll be released possibly by the end of the year."

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Out of Water - Part IX

I edited and re-edited and edited until i finally just said, "well, time for the moment of truth." basically, it discusses fear and how it can be the ruin of many a person. for fear is naught but illusion. fear is trickery, nothing more.

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Dragon's Gift - Chapter 2 (EDITED)

#3 of dragon's gift here we go, chapter two's re-edited story. <3 i hope you all enjoy ^.^ if you would like to support me and view the next chapter's edit a week prior to sf/ib/fa, please visit tessy here:https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragons-gift-3-3586806

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Venom: Beautiful Killers Part 5

It took days of edits and re-edits. the first draft of this part had too much exposition, so i had to cut it down. i don't like dialogue with huge amounts of plot explanations. that's what bad horror movies do.

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