beginning anew, past forgotten

"alright smart-ass, drop and keep pushing until i tell you can move." "whatever you say." ben moved to the front lean and rest to start pushing. "what's your weapon?" "fifty caliber gas operated intervention snipe rifle issue number 7434486.

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Breaking a Rebel [COM]

Paws smacked his smarting ass and squeezed his bruised testicles. the rodents flicked the cock cage and tugged on the lock to ensure that it was thoroughly secure.

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Phillip Todd: Wally's Big Day

"you're a smart-ass, you know that?" "i've been told that once or twice in my life?" i said, beaming with pride.

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The Lover's Spat

It had been like this for a while; the lion did a fair share around the apartment, but the constant smart-ass comments were starting to get to aaron.

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"The Thin Line," Part A

Only one of my colleagues chose to approach me, and dispensed the following item of wisdom: "no one likes a smart-ass, hat rack." a motto, indeed, for the imperial and royal army of faerie.

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Hellhounds: Pleasure (Part 2)

smart-ass, you gonna bunk with me?" "just as long as you don't snore."

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Pine lake Summer Camp

On, "my smart ass forgot to pack any underwear and i've been wearing these ones for the last 3 days!"

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Beret: A Love Story Chapter 1

"shut up smart ass." rosalyn said, smiling when she did. "see you tonight!" rosalyn waved and left the lunchroom. derrik got up and put his tray in the trash.

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Grocery Store Dancer

"no, smart-ass! it's the physical manifestation of a writing tool," i replied. "oh... like a pen?" howard grinned, continuing with the 'making stupid' shtick. he wasn't going to give up that easily.

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My Life Be Like: PART 1

"slow down why the rush"i gave the quick retort "going to a friends house around one mom is that alright." not actualy trieng to sound like a smart-ass. she soon said "fine with me." i then ate my breakfeast.

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Our Mutual Bond. (Of Blindness And Lettuce: Ending)

You got a smart ass attitude... for the submissive one..!!" i was in heaven. i thought i would have blew already but in all honesty i couldn't last much longer. "y-yeah? i.. i have not submitted... ergh!!" this was it for me.

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