(Unfinished) After Work Date

"well, i saw your ad..." ajax started. reno's voice seemed to go from buisness-like to accusing instantaniously "ajax, this you?" he grumbled. ajax laughed "well, your ad did catch my eye," he said matter-of-factly. "did it?"

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The Empire of Planets Story series

Ryan benson was born in 1978 ad on earth (toronto, canada) 2014 ad ryan worked for the toronto blue jays as a gm. 2036 ad he joined nasa. 2042 ad his ship went missing. 0 tep he found that earth was not formed yet. 10 tep he founded the empire of planets

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Chapter 3: Welcome to Mars High

The windows were mostly tinted red, with many silly advertisements of many earth found products, with nearly, **every goddamn advertisement** , having a furry. you said it, they've drawn it. foxes, wolves, cats, dogs, birds etc. they were all there.

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Eevee loves Flareon milk (Italian translation)

Non so se era il pensiero di scavare quella farfallina di vulpix, o erano invece le continue carezze delle zampe di questa curiosa cucciola sulla mia pancia, ma ad ogni modo sentii che la mia mascolinità iniziava ad uscire dal suo peloso contenitore e realizzai

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Omicidio (Homicide)

Le persone sono ormai tutte in casa ad assaporare il tepore di un letto caldo, qualcuno, ancora sveglio, si crogiola guardando la tv...

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Otter Park

"i mean that i was sent over by the advertising firm to check out the park and come up with ideas for an ad campaign." he tilted his head at them. "then who is the guy stuck in the slide?"

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The teaching of Kaa (in Italian) (part 4)

Accertatosi che stesse dormendo continuò ad accarezzarlo. ad ogni carezza mowgli rispondeva gemendo nel sonno e pregando il serpente di continuare.

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New Energy (Teaser)

Let's make this ad better. thank god this is the internet." the two worked together to create a much more polite ad, one that made it seem like matt had learned to beg. along with that were more suggestions, or rather orders, from the skagon.

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Homes for Bunnies

She turned the page and caught site of a new ad, one she had never seen before.

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Footnotes of a Life 4: Propositions part 2

They are considered the first augmented. 2142 ad by this year scientific census show that every major country had a standing elf military. 2144 ad first line of "safe" civilian genetic modifications offered. 2145 ad many begin to discriminate against

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I Just Came For the Food

I pressed my fingers against the virtual surface and pushed an old book club ad to the left and a "want to rent a car" announcement to the right to make room for a new ad. "let's just put it here..."

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What's Next?

, open phone, watch ad, "it's here, the new paw phone 10.", skip ad, watch video, laugh, show friends, laugh again, eric has another video, watch ad, "pizza palace introduces the new...", skip ad, watch video, laugh again, lexi complains, "why didn't you answer

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