Every Artist's Dream: Prologue

Except that he wasn't a good artist. that was the one thing he was absolutely sure of, and he was out here in new york city to make sure _everyone_ knew it. "hm..."

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the artist's muse chapter 1

I'm one of those art teachers that like's everything because everyone has to start somewhere, look at the early work of any artist and you see how bad they are.

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the artist's muse chapter 3

As time went on there was still no pongo, i decided to go and look for him i told the class to keep on there work and not to slack as when you slack as an artist you fall behind and think of more excuses to not draw.

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the artist's muse chapter 2

I put the washing into the dryer and got dressed but i had a shower mostly to have a jerk off in the shower thinking of him maybe he could come over and i'd show him what an artists life looks like and he could shower with me.

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Story commission advertisement

Hello there and thank you for clicking on my commission advertisement. I hope you consider hiring me in the near future.I am a fiction writer who tries to please her watch list, and commissioner's. I will write anything within boundaries if paid to do...

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Aster 1-4

The soft slaps of his paw-pads against the floor reverberated throughout the room as he strode over to the blank canvas, already mounted on a wooden backing--surrounded by the tools and supplies of an artist's trade.

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Final approach: Jewels of Remorse, Heat Issue 11

\*-Track marker-.00341LY past slipset threshold/intra-sys coast at 67098kph. Decel start:-\* Korall hammered her hips as Sendris flushed tightly inside her. The raccoon grunted once as he went to the edge and over and the fennec astride him...

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Blond Incentives and Working Relationships

"you're an extremely talented artist, matt. truly." the fox still looked at him with bewilderment. "you've never even seen my work."

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In the Shadow of Mount Marshall

STORY FOUR ## In The Shadow of Mount Marshall * * * **October 28th, 2015** Subject Seven ran. He kept his eyes fixed on the line of trees ahead. He'd been planning his escape all morning. It looked like there was a path through the woods ahead,...

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Combat Vignette 6

I'm an artist and because i work in a lot of lurid and food fields, i'm used to some...unusual clients, and even more unusual forms of payment. i've received sex toys, condoms, sexual favours themselves even for art before.

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The Secrets of Feline Fantasies - A Cat in the Jungle

I found myself on this island that had nothing but felines inhabiting it, I somewhat forgot about why I was there, except for the fact to have fun with them. Although confused I had gotten, ehem, 'closer' with the felines. You know it was something...

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GoD-Ep17-Rescue of the torchered Artist-

He is from the kobayashi family of artists. he is the next one in line to be successful art wise, but has developed a really bad art block and his motivation is too skewed to keep going.

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