Milking Out The Truth [CM]

The soft rays of sunshine filtered down through the leaves of the forest, casting a soft glow on the grass and shrubbery within. The birds chirped peacefully while a stream nearby trickled down towards the distant lake, a squirrel shaking one of the...

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Endurance In A Barren World [CM]

The blaring heat of the sun bore down upon the charred desertland below, the sparse bushes dried up and wilting in the harsh atmosphere. A stray tumbleweed danced across the horizon beside the downtrodden path, a wisp of wind carrying it aimlessly. A...

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Scarlet Eyes in Shadow [CM]

As the moon rose high above the stone brick walls in the city, a large crowd began to gather before a large stage, soft mutterings passing between the humans and anthros alike as they spoke about what was to come. The soft chirping of crickets...

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~The Swamp, The Dragoness, and The Prey~

The melodic thrum of crickets brushed against the black dragon's ear, awakening him with a blink of his tired eyes. The dragon opened his maw wide, and with a big yawn, blinked his eyes a few more times, and relaxed his ears to the tranquil sound of...

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Enjoying The View?~

~Enjoying The View?~ The sight of Scafen's raised ass, presenting itself before him with his large blue pent up balls hanging beneath his hardened shaft, sent tremors of lust within every vein and under every scale of Derek's body. His purple...

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The Words of Love

~The Words of Love~ It had seemed like the longest day of my life. The restaurant I worked at had practically no business, and every table turned up pretty much nothing for my tips at the end of the night. Adding to that, I hadn't sold any wine that...

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A Lesson on Submission

A gush of wind fluttered the curtains of leaves shielding the entrance to the sleeping caverns, located on the bottom of the cliffside, towering far above them. The interwoven leaves of the curtain whispered a breath to one another, swaying the barrier...

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Two Lovers, One Future

The black dragon let out a huff, watching the entrance of the cave anxiously, waiting for his love to return home. The fire swaying softly beside him filled him with warmth and love, turning his thoughts only to his lover and how much he longed to be...

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The Fallen Lover

A wisp of wind scattered his thoughts, clutching them in their chilled paws, filling him with an unease that made his wings shiver. The grass beneath his talons were slightly damp from the rain earlier, and he could smell more of it coming soon on the...

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My Christmas Miracle

_My Christmas Miracle._ _I look at this computer screen, and I see the dragon behind it_ _I know that face behind the screen. I love him_ _I think about our future, the Christmas we could share._ _I can close my eyes and just picture it...

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Breaking In A New Toy

The howl of a nearby wolf caught Derek's attention as he wandered the forest, scanning the clearing as he pulled his wings close to his side, staying as still as he could to locate the noise. All he could hear at the moment was the sound of a rushing...

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~Feral Desires~

Derek let out a long yawn, throwing his head back in exhaustion as he walked through the tranquil forest. Today had been one heck of a busy day. He'd spent his morning hunting for a rabbit for his love, Scafen. He always loved a good rabbit in the...

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