Hitch Gets Bashed: Chapter 1 - Sunny

#1 of my little pony: hitch gets bashed sunny was trotting through the museum passing through all the amazing artifacts from the time of the ancient equestrians.

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Felicia's Fancy 09 Archie Birthday Bash

\*takes a deep breathe\* i'm here to tell you about my birthday bash...and if you haven't guessed from my sis said ![icon_biggrin.gif](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/static/icons/icon_biggrin.gif "grinning") it was a great bang.


Splash N' Bash: The Big Pool Clash

Vincent stretched out as he closed the door to the garage. The last customer of the day was driving off, and their car was in perfect working condition once more. The midnight-furred squirrel wiped the sweat from his brow and tossed his black hair...

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Tales from Dragon Heaven - Birthday Bash

Shawn and Riven walked back to Dragon Heaven, the red and blue rubber dragon still shaking off the time he had spent as a pool toy in the care of the other. Though the black-scaled dragon had already mentioned that something was being prepared for him...

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The Vore House of Klyneth - Devious Carnivore Naga

Otter the otter was finally here. The Vore House of Klyneth. The only brothel of its kind, specializing in one of those niche interests that was so dangerous it was practically banned. But Otter was curious, and he was very, very interested in what the...

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Part tres: A short reunion

bash turned his back on the wolf, a mistake, the wolf sprung back to his feet, grabbing the back of bash's head with strong claws and driving his muzzle into the ground. ignoring his pain, bash responded quickly, elbowing behind him.

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Part four: A peek through the door

Suddenly a beautiful noise reached their ears and bash was suddenly knocked off the bike. "bash!" song veered around and stopped to see bash, standing, apparently unharmed, just a little shaken, facing down a white dragoness.

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Part two: Lessons

bash says from eight feet in the ground. "that's your first lesson." a male voice said and bash looked up to see its owner, a white hare. "never show up late." "fine, fine." bash said, brushing dirt out of his fur.

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“J’Dash and The Child of Darkness” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

"my, my...well i'll be bash-bash! that dose smell heavenly!" bash-bash eyed j'dash speciously, "i thought vampires had no sense of smell."

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Latex Stream Story 4: Paralyzing Payback

The sequel to "the big brawl bash" (#147) is not only the continuation of bash's story, but also the debut of a character of mine, a hippo villainess (retired) named latexia. enjoy the show.

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Superhero Stream Story 2: The Big Brawl Bash

The big brawl bash for idesin by draconicon bash grunted as she was thrown across the ring again, rebounding off of the padded titanium walls before hitting the ground.

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DDD Day 10 Azra's Bruised Ball Bashing

Welcome to day 10 of DDD! This is a story I made featuring some characters from the author {fa:kiwiBB}! You may recognize him if you're a big fan of furry ballbusting!! This story involves his characters, Azra and Pax, both dragons, having some naughty...

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