Sweet Secrets

To the brownie, she was simply another container. as if waiting for that exact moment to strike, a distinct weight and pressure built in her middle.

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Kyle's Security Growth Part 1

Kyle tried to suck in his stomach as he shoved in the last bite of caramel fudge brownie. "hi dennis." "hi there. how's it goin'?" "great. it's been a great night for eatin'." "say, wanna try these new raviolis?"

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University Story (Unofficial Name) - Chapter 1

He knew exactly what he wanted to ask instead- if she would've wanted a brownie from a bridge. at the time, it was his last ditch effort of getting her in the mood.

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Getting Leon's Things

Of course, all she liked were cakes, cookies, brownies, oregano in a baggy, and anything that could be cooked up in a few seconds, "figures. i still have no idea how she stays so thin after eating all of this.

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Legend High-Prologue Part Two

Sneaking a pack of brownies from the nearly bursting cupboard, he silently closed the door and reapplied the lock, just as he heard the 'witch' moan in her sleep.

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Brock Bawk

Those brownies looked good, by the way! are you going to keep them in that little wall arrangement you had them set up in? surrounding the cake, like a diorama? that's so clever."

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Dream Vacation

He was able to retain his composure but it looked to the other diners that she really really really liked her 'chocolate brownie bliss'.

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Winter Break

She leaned against the back of the stove, the scent of wafting brownies radiating from the oven. "ethan and i have a system. he cooks stuff, i clean up after."

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Danger in the city

He get's pot and puts it in brownies so it can pass off as giving someone a snack. you did a really brave thing." "y-yeah," stammered lea, rubbing the back of her neck, "but could i stay over at your house tonight?" "why?

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Grozu'Hesh the dragon god and his vulpine meal.

Hello once more from bountyfox and liska snowfox (who is at the moment eating all my goddamn brownies! i said she could have one but was that enough no! she's on like the fifth one.)

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Commission: Bonding Bowers

Between the dosed brownies, the mouthful of smoke, and now the thickness plunging deep into his throat, bishop found his head swimming. lights danced in front of his eyes as he groaned.

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Ulterior Motives

Cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and a bowl of ice cream on the side. "mmaybe i shouldn't have dessert after all actually, i mean... my gut's looking pretty stuffed."

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