Lorca and Wheezie’s Winter Wonderland

Lorca tasted the hot coco to make sure it was just right. lorca wheeled his wheelchair to the front of the living room where the front door was, while holding his hot coco. he drank the hot coco as he looked out the front window.

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Lore of Mysticfell - Chapter 10 | Meadow

coco had been upset with her after her assistance in recovering dolphus and nearly casted her out, but he decided against it thanks to ruby intervening. after that she hasn't seen coco for ages.

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Moving In - 2021

"you're the maestro of hot coco, dunky." i licked my lips, and quickly smooched his that flustered him so much. he tried to copy my smug pose; crossed arms, closed eyes and looked away with blushing scales.

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Threaded Love Part Three

Downing the rest of her coco, sophia pulled garland into a deep kiss. the wolf was surprised at first, but soon he was reciprocating the kiss in kind, his half finished cup of coco forgotten on the table of their living room.

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A good end to a bad movie

A quick one shot sabrina step gently and passed ron his mug of coco with a " **here you go**" before returning to her place upon the couch so that they could watch...

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It Started With Toast- Chapt 10

Hearing moans coming from crash's room, coco walked slowly and quietly to her brother's room. peeking around the doorframe she opened her eyes wide. leaning in just outside the door blushing, she hoped she was dreaming.

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One Another

Xp yorries sitting on a cool summer night on his front porch with his hot coco, waiting to finish his coco as he heads off to bed. "ahhh, why do i have to be the one to goto new york".



I swoop for my phone and am about to message my friend coco, as it brings up a message from her, "good morning!! ^o^" i cheerfully type, "my toilet seat looks like harry potter!!"

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Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 8

Alex looked at will, finished his coco and got up to snatch will's hand..."you and me...ferris wheel!" "huh?" will replied. "get the lead out of your tail bro!" alex yelped in earnest.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Entry 47

/wiki/coco_bandicoot) [http://midday-mayhem.deviantart.com/art/coco-542674043](http://midday-mayhem.deviantart.com/art/coco-542674043) [http://midday-mayhem.deviantart.com/art/coco-alt-543112013](http://midday-mayhem.deviantart.com/art/coco-alt-543112013

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Hypnovember 16 - Memory

"nah man, i don't see it," said coco. the equine athlete adjusted the baseball cap that fit snug around his noggin.

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