Goddess of Gluttony

Even black holes were no problem, being swallowed whole and thus giving her ease in consuming even more.

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Abyssus Abbey Chapter 16: Lust Knight

Take them now, one at a time, and then their souls will live inside yours forever, as the souls i consume live inside me. do you think they suffer? no.

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Serge dreams big

Serge made no conscious efforts to consume the deer, his own hungry womb working to consume the deer on its own as the fox caressed his growing belly.

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Corruption Cave

As connie's orgasm consumed her, she fell to her knees, her body shuddering uncontrollably with the force of her release.

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More than a bargan book

She finally let it all consume her, the warmth taking her as it pushed and brushed over her.

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The Slaves: A Documentary Following Toilet Slaves and Their Masters

** this story contains furry characters playing with and consuming **_urine and _**** _shit_ **. if you do not have a sexual fetish for urine and/or feces, leave now. **! attention !

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Foxed Out of a Meal

Like the ads said: "some are consumers, some are the consumed." if this was how i was going to go out, might as well try some new stuff, i figured. leaning forward, i curled my tongue at the base of the cock that was pulling me in slowly.

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Some days it was lights flickering, leaving him consumed in total darkness. some days, it was the coffee machine, pouring out blood instead.

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A Leisurely Rampage

So, what is it you desire by staying to be consumed?" kaspar asked sweetly, easing those tentacles into those openings, drawing a sweet moan of bliss from the fox. "because, no matter what, you will be consumed. run or not. resist or not."

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The Real Apex - Part 4

Unborn souls and mortals were ripped from space and time as they were consumed, filling his gut with untold power.

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Transcendence Chapter 12

Gluttony was consuming as much as he could as was wrath. when robin and dan were consumed in the darkness, they would immediately enter the next reality fuelled by the darkness of an entire universe! "we can't let that happen!"

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City of the Damned (Part Three)

He saw the fire, feeling it's consuming force...it's hunger. his tone was somber as he spoke for the first time in days. one could not tell from his voice that he had been tortured for days, for it was strong with honor.
