The Wraith, the Archer, and the Warhorse

\*ahhhhhhhhn\* sighed sirgiu as he lay in the bubbling hot springs warming embrace, the very fat snake-fox patted his belly as he enjoyed the blending of hot water and cool on the length of his corpulent body "if i had a keg of wine and

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A Helping Hand

Twisting its grin further, the jack-o-lantern glared down at its subjects below, intrigued by the corpulent cubs. two heavy thuds followed by noisy rustling caught its attention.

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Harem Harlot, Part 3

Cradling her corpulent, swollen belly in both arms, she collapsed at the far end of the stable to digest, womb full of spunk and slave, belly rounded with the seed of the finest breeding stallions this side of damascus...and too worn out from the machinations

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Filled with Darkness [Mini-Fic]

Her entire form dwarfs that of the burliest warrior or most corpulent person she'd seen in her years as a warrior - the darkness within perverting her very anatomy beyond human limits.

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Building a New You

She knew the calorie drenched boulder of food would stretch her belly to its breaking point, adding another fresh layer of bright-red stretch marks and corpulent flesh to her overflowing gut.

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Thieves in the Night

He had only half listened to the corpulent cat whine about being robbed, but when he mentioned what was stolen and of the harlot who robbed him, he instantly recognized her as labala the whore. and felt he should pay her a visit.

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Bunny Burrowed [PTRN]

His hands gripped the canine's wide hips, clad in sweatpants clinging onto dear life as it was at its absolute limit in terms of being able to contain that level of corpulence.

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Leviathan Chapter Ten: The Splashers

But more importantly, keeping her head at close to the same size allowed leviathan to feel the delightful pressure of straining to swallow a huge daughter, even if her stomach was more than large enough now to fit two corpulent whale-daughters comfortably.

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Luncheons & Dragons - Book 1 - Chapter 4 (SSBBW)

This colossal globe of corpulence smothered her lap, flowed above each arm of the chair, and rolled over her legs, right down to her ankles. she rested her pillowy arms on her gut's massive shelf.

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Swamp frat bros

Martin was not only the corpulent of the four, but also the hairiest one. the anthro gator wondered how a bearish gator would look like.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 1

The warden was a lupus because of fucking course he was, shockingly corpulent for a wolf but also abnormally tall.

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Strange Love part five: Happily ever after

John took a deep breath and knocked on the door... almost immeadiatly a rather corpulant female fox answered the door. although she had gained some wait and had obviouse signs of "early aging" john could tell that this was still his mother.

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