Marla Chapter 1 - Finally Found

"the net present value of that money is 716,321 credits. that gives a net value of 468,981.68 credits per slave. or, given your true costs, 315,280.93 credits.

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Wings of the Warrior: 25

The admins all chuckled and golgar seemed to be warming up to her, "the fabric usually goes for 475 credits a square ticc.

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Differentials: Part 13 - Old 'Friends'

It may not seem like much but let's say you were buying an item costing one hundred and fifty credits, if you managed to do the same as the fifteen credit item you could be saving twenty credits."

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School of hard knocks err... Hard cocks

He knew some of his students would want extra credit to bring up there grades and he loved it because his version of extra credit usually involved a cubby muzzle wrapped around his big dragon cock.

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anthem of the flagmen

This is a song i wrote in honor of all flag bearers that lived and died. you are allowed to actually make this a song as i have no instruments. you can only do so if you credit me for the song history's all captains and generals, a plane goes up and a fort

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The Brothels of Lalande

To my disappointment he had not, but he did leave me with a 20 credit tip, 4 of which went to mistress shona, in addition to 20 percent of the 15 credits that had been charged for my dance.

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The Captain & The Biologist

"may we start the biding at 1000 credits" the auctioneer yelled. "1,100 credits," a small mouse fur yelled from the front row. "1,500 credits," another fur yelled.


Under the Sundowner Part 04

Duo asked, as he pulled out his credit chip. the waitress sighed and handed him her bill pad. he paid the five credits and then transferred a hundred credits to her as a tip. she gasped, as she saw the amount.

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Squeak Show

Inside is a card containing 50,000 credits, and the first person to grab it, gets it! provided of course, anyone can reach that high. adding to the existing 50,000 credit grand prize to tonight's victor, that's a hefty pot indeed!

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Tyler's pokemon adventure 8

He grabbed a simple bag which was 300 credits and then moved onto another isle to grab some food stocks. easily filling the bag up with assorted berries a total of easily a total off 700 credits worth.

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