Micro Rights

The dissonance between the lan i knew as my friend and the squirrel who looked down on his two pets as so far below him that they were things to be 'broken' sometimes left me listless and afraid for my own safety. what would happen if lan ever found out?

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Surface (Chapter 13)

Boko had exchanged friendly greetings with his new co-workers, and by then klein had begun making a semi-conscious effort to keep his own cognitive dissonance mechanisms running well enough not to have been asking himself too many questions about why they'd

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Bigger and Better

Mark's eyes bulged as a green glow flared to life within the barely, only having an instant to scream before a gargantuan, dissonant zap exploded across the room, slamming his chest and knocking him onto his rounded rear as if he'd been struck by lightning

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Belleton, Chapter Eight

A bird began singing above them while marcel and solierre stared at the dog, a dissonantly happy sound. "is there anything less mundane methods can do to fix that?" the reptile finally asked. "no," colem replied with a grimace.

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The Pillow Book of Sethira: Prologue and Translator's Note

She continued, "the difference between the translations should be dissonant. i'd adore anything that would cause discourse and argument." "so people can disagree about the true message of sethira and fight each other over it?"

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The Dragon's Bard - Chapter 5

As it hit the floor, it played a very dissonant sound. not only was the whole crowd laughing and booing at him, but more rotten food was coming at him. ildarg did the only logical thing: exit, leaving the lute behind, abandoned. "ildarg!"


Chekol, the 33rd Shaman Squirrel

He had a cognitive dissonance in his mind, believing it was both incest and not incest at the same time. incest because she was his mother's half-sister.

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A League of His Own

"wow, that's a tight ass you've got here, bunny boy," the coon complimented, his voice not dissonant in the least despite the heightened passion that left the bunny a stammering, hoarse mess. the coon couldn't quite enjoy it to the fullest, however.

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Floraverse Fic: Silent Rabbat

There in that world, bale had heard nothing, but the occasional dissonant sound of static that seemed to interrupt the steady silence.

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In a world of seven billion-some humans, let alone all the hungry bugs and pathogens feasting for your flesh, it's nice to remember that there's that many entities working with dissonant values, against your immediate interests--the house, as it were.

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Broken Words: Chapter 7

It's called cognitive dissonance. do you want anything?" jayden scratched his thumb claw along his forehead, looking at the grimy menu with some apprehension as the dirty light acted like an omen of the pain he would soon be enduring.

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Adolescent Lycanthrope pt. 2

You keep hearing the dissonant _sproing_ of springs just completely failing. it's kind of drowned out by the noises you're making. you're, uh. basically whimpering constantly, high shuddering noises as his cock knocks around inside you.

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