The fire of a Spitfire part 4

Why cant you see this and do what thou tell your student and everypony to do. spread friendship and magic to everypony." luna said to her older sister.

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Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark

"alright everypony, pic a table to sit down and eat at!" mrs. chalk called out over the roar of machinery mixed with the shrills of the excited kids.

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Beach bee farm

New ponies moved in and the production and bureacracy has expanded, everypony in that beach settlement hed a decent life...

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MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Six

As it went with dreams, everypony's various attitudes before going to bed set the styles of the visions that they would be having while sleeping.

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MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter One

Still, she always has stuff to do with her woodland creature friends so she might show a bit later than everypony else tonight."

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The Prince and the Magician

Trixie was in the middle of her act when that insufferable mare and her friends showed up and started shouting to everypony that the great and powerful trixie was nothing but a fraud and a liar. they completely humiliated trixie in front of everypony.

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Gemini – Chapter 10: Rebirth

You try so hard to save everypony but you can't, so why not only save the ones that are deserving of it." at this point the creature had risen to its full height to get its point across.

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The Winterhoof Chronicles - Part 1

everypony calls her patches. we would hang out quite a lot at school. i'd talk to her about my dreams of trekking into the forbidden forest...she was quite against it.

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MLP:FiM:Chapture 8: Let em Talk

everypony calmed down again, still grinning and said "yes.". "how did she find you?" asked applejack. "she might have found out that i sent my mother that letter and guessed where i was." washington theorized.

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