Fitness Testing

After reversing his arms and mirroring the stretch, he told his students to do the same once it was their turn and got on his knees to demonstrate the second exercise.

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Of Diets and Defiance [1/2]

Frowning with their ears pinned flat against their head, all they could hear was the grim murmur of strict diet and exercise.

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Of Diets and Defiance [2/2]

The two of them finally crack after a few long months of forced diet and exercise. coincidentally, the perfect opportunity soon presents itself to the pudge pups to get back at their parents for all the pain and misery they've caused.

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Full Body Workout [COM]

It was late at night when the rest of the other patrons had already left for the evening, having finished their exercise already.

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Worked-Up Workout

"funny enough," the tiger said, leaning over for a moment as he spoke, "this exercise is also called 'thrusters.' heh."

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[SNEAK PEEK]Do Not Disturb

**Do Not Disturb** **Subscriber Reward for Moggers (Nov 2023)** **By Limewah** **Featuring characters from the Pokémon company** **SNEAK PEEK** Sascha was in no mood to talk to anyone anymore. The final day of the conference was over at...

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Bigwig Dreams of Colourful Bucks

If hazel weren't watching, he'd probably pull hawkbit aside and make him do exercises until the rest of the group was out of the showers.

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Eager Exercises, A Donnie x Mikey fanfic, by bbbuuu

If exercise is what you want, i can _make_it count as exercise..." mikey leaned in to give a quick peck of a kiss to corner of donatello's mouth.

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My New Roommate: Ch. 2

He collapsed and laid on his back on top of the exercise pads he had placed on his garage floor. he laid there breathing deeply for a minute absorbed in his high of exercise for the morning. he closed his eyes as he controlled his breathing.

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Physical Education

Dane didn't have the breath to so much as grumble his displeasure at being ordered to do yet more exercise, but still managed to muster a disgusted glare across the field at the distant teacher.

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A Rabbit's Recovery

She retrieved her water bottle from beneath the jiggling canopy, gulping down some of its contents before resuming her exercise; free of their burden, her legs were far happier to do as she asked them.

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NC #7: Exercising a Pleasurable Right

exercising a pleasurable right november 7th: election day moving around the country made getting to the polls difficult, particularly since each new state - sometimes each new city - demanded a new id to let someone cast a vote

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