Venturing: Betwun Doors

"and the fifth?" prompted zander with curious hanging upon his snout with a hesitated silence coming from natty. "and the fifth was upon the crossroads of three coins." "how the heck are we suppose to figure that?"

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 3 - Longpoint City

The fifth scared me but he seemed just fine with that. the fifth of the seven, diligence. this man, (if that was even the correct term) looked like a shark. he had a fin on his back, covered in piercings. he was bare-chested as well and full of scars.

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The Mute - Chapter 2: Kyle's House

I stand about 5'6" now, but in fifth grade i was only 4'7", i'm pretty short, especially for a wolf, even kyle is taller than me.

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Wind of Change: Chapter 17

He then said, "i noticed that you're not sure about my information regarding the fifth dimensional being. i presume that you don't trust me?"

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Black Project Files Chapter 12: The Time Vertsex Part 5

Meeting room: after a failed search party mission to find wickenburg and samantha nelson, everyone gathered in the fifth floor meeting room.

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The fifth from before comes up in zah's hand as we get in the car. bottle = 0% and surprise surprise. auxiliary bottle = 100% k takes the bottle. zah starts the car.

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The Raiders

"give me a fifth of a fifth of green," the snorlax slurred. the bartender, a grovyle, slid him the bottle. "yeah here you go. pay afterwards."

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Constitution of New Attica

A four-fifths vote of the parliament, and confirmed by a four-fifths vote of the negative council), which amendments shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this constitution when ratified by both four-fifths of the virtual cantons (to be determined

Delta Chronicles ch.3

So who was the fifth man, he wondered. he barely had time to ponder this before jet lag overtook him and he fell asleep.   joe woke in the morning refreshed and calm, but he still wondered who the fifth man was.

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The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 16

Soon, all that remained were the fifth, fourth, and third seats; not mentioning lieutenant iba the fifth seat rushed me with his shikai, a large chakram with flaming spikes, and threw it straight at my face.

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Splice - Main Character Profiles

Four have been seen in the short stories, and the fifth will be introduced in the novel. if you care about spoilers, read the preview chapters before clicking the pdf links!

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Trapped and trained chapter 2: meet the crew

I saw alex on the fifth floor a few minutes ago! i thought you sent him to see this boy you brought in." both felines jumped in surprise and dan flew from the room.

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