What's a Wolfie to do?

Alex played footsies with sam, giggling and blushing at the comment. "you are so sexy, my cute wolfie." he smiled and hugged him tightly as he ran his warm toes over the top of sam's warm foot paws.

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Apocalypse, Ch. 10

I played footsies with him under the table the whole time, only growing hornier by the minute. "are... you sure about this?", he asked me while we ate. i nodded, smiling at him. "yes greg. i want to have our baby."

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Date Night

Saber swayed their tails back and forth and played footsie with verro. although he was watching the cartoon, most of his attention was focused on the warm feelings vibrating his body.

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LAWT #12 ~ Sincere [Faking Pt.2]

Alex took up the footsie again, and found it helped to calm his nerves. he interpreted bill's admission as permission to be more assertive with his contact, and to his delight, the ram's leg extended toward him, actively participating.

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Wake up, little foxie: Getting closer

They ate, talked, played footsie, and so on. joe was having a good time, when luke walked through the front door, not caring about privacy because they where homies.

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A Weekend Visit pt. 2

I chuckled softly, blushing and leaned back "trying to play footsie with me?" he shifted around, a bemused look on his face. "i don't know what you're talking about. there must be a phantom limb under the table!"

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footsy time. reflexively, her foot pulled back from his, causing alex to frown, and she found her voice. "th-that's not it at all, sir...! i never..." alex was extremely displeased. "oh no, shawnee, i have it on very good authority.

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That Feeling You Get (An Ode to Dads)

That feeling you get whenever he gives you that look passing in the hall playing footsie under the dinner table watching the game changing the spark plugs when you know tonight's going to be one of those nights and he still hasn't been able to talk

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The Necklace - Chapter Four

Alexis flinched a bit, before relaxing, playing footsie with maddie under the table. they were both smiling, now, even giggling as maddie's toes wiggled against hers. alexis blushed, spreading her toes, as maddie's locked with hers.

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Catnundrum. Chapter Six.

Simon was already feeling tense with the dog sitting next to him those broad arms bumping into his own and the bad habit the dog had of trying to play footsie with him. to see that large muzzle inhale food like a vacuum made the cat lose his nerve.

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Savannah Blues Part 1

The cat was all too eager to comply, playing footsie with him as they continued their meal. his big toe bumped against his, pressing that soft pad against his rougher one, the claw extending from the end and brushed against the side.

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Because of Camp, Chapter 1: The First Day

They even went so far as to speak quietly to each other, almost a whisper, and an impromptu game of footsy which gained an odd look from porter.

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