Star of Freedom

georges boss, mr tieman, high mechanic of the great airship 'star of freedom' yelled at him. george grabs the spanner from the box, "got it! oops!"

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werewolf, part 7

george looked at him, "i am not a man who accepts 'draws'" "good, cause the evening isn't even started." by the time they fell asleep denis had fucked george six time, cumming each times. george had fucked him twice more, also cumming.

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A Drunk Night

Half an hour later, george and jack were at george's apartment. george volunteered to sleep on the couch, and suggested jack sleep on the bed. jack refused and dragged george into the bed with him.

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Toby Gets An Uncle - part 1

george very much enjoyed playing with his son and toby loved letting the older fur dominate in their play. arriving at george's house toby saw that his daddy was home.

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Oh man, I am really lost

george watched as jack shut off the computer. he felt the engines fire for two seconds and stops. george heard a long line of profanity come from jack. "what happened jack?" jack looked at george.

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Ah! Anal Trendy Here

george and manuel glanced at each other, with george asking, "did you hear about that from jack?" "uh, yeah," blake replied.

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Island of Handlo - Series 1: Chapter 1: Beginnings

george screamed, "yes!" he laid there, drenched in his own and synthetic semen. george fell asleep again. george awoke an hour and a half later, finding himself covered in semen. he smiled as he relived the moment.

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Episode 1: Childhood

Nick kissed george's belly, the two of them blushing at this, nick giggled, "goodnight, george, and george's cute bloated belly." even though it was only 6:30 pm.

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1.01.0: Childhood

Nick kissed george's belly, the two of them blushing at this, nick giggled, "goodnight, george, and george's cute bloated belly." even though it was only 6:30 pm.

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A boy and his Pokémon Part One

george said. zoroark shook her head. "are you protecting me then?" zoroark nodded vigorously, then pressed her body against his. george relaxed feeling her soft fur and warm body.

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Hyena Dad

george packs and we take some of his things to my house and my butler, edward puts them away while george and i eat the supper edward had ready for us.

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