
As he finishes, the bear pants heavily, and trevor feels themselves slosh backwards as bruce leans against the wall, conquered by his orgasm; the huge, rotund gut glorping as it settles against his chest.

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Getting Things Cleared Out For You

The constant glorping glrking comes with what little solid forms you've been feeling fading away, and then there's a steady, repeated sound, like pumping. the heavy belly actually contracts and presses on you a bit less with each moment.

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Hey Puppy~

With a smug smirk, circ sashayed into the room, causing his grand belly to audibly slosh and glorp.

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BGL 1: Routine Bout

The hellos were only met by a contented sigh from the rat, and a strange 'glorp' sound from his stomach.

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Tokine and Yoshimori's Rebirth and Kouya's Revenge

"gurgle, glorp ,and churn " were the only sounds that kouya was paying any attention to, as he gave a huge belch ,patted his squirming belly on last time and drifted off into a dream world where he could eat all the humans he wanted.

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Trouble at the Pound part 3

glorp".........."churn". roscoe was slowly waking up to these wonderful sounds as the last of tramp entered his colon, and made his way into the warm bowels of the doberman.

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[COMM] Growing Goatmom (4200 words)

With a thunderous glorp that drowned out every last one of her high-pitched, orgasmic moans, it hit the kitchen sink and practically exploded, drenching the ceiling, walls, and everything in between with a relentless onslaught of hot, sticky goat cum.

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[COMM] Nilla's Possession (4400 words)

A loud glorp filled the train car as the floodgates opened, the second of nilla's orgasms that day forcing itself deep into her already well-filled belly.

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Getting the Party Together

His guts glorped aloud, sending a lump up his throat. the feline belched up a single sneaker, sending it skidding on stomach juices across the floor. "now, kitty..."

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Squish That Cat

As it had twice before, his broad banded belly glorped forward, heavily tossing the cat inside forward and bouncing back to hang out over his waist and onto his thighs. "boy, ya cain't jus' sit still, can ya?"

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Eat-In at Frankie's

With an abrupt glorping sound, the struggling form beneath the jagged, mussed fur softened into a hefty, soft mass. frankie slapped the side of his gut and then put his apron back in place.

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Brood-filled Judy

Loud gurgling, glorping and creaking came from her full womb as it strained not to burst after gorging on a flood of baby-batter, but the cum-blasting fox continued to empty his massive balls into the swollen breeder's bloated womb.

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