worst day of my life

I was interupted by a loud pop and i screamed in excrutiating pain. the wolf then came in me and started laughing a evil laugh.

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Lost Cause

Across my cool skin. wraping my arms around my waist i stepped further into the pour of water. letting my hair soak i grabbed the shampoo and poured a bit into my hand. shivering at the cool sensation i gently rubbed it into my tail fur. my enjoyment was interupted

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Humble starts chapter 2

Roy asked, only to be interupted by the teacher. "and so mr.wulfblood that is the reason we don't have a archery class anymore."

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One and Only Chapter 1

"i'm sorry to interupt but i kinda got lost" he spoke. "alright misssssssster .. " the teacher took a glance at the list he was holding. "juliasssssss? ssssssit down near danail. " he said as he pointed at me. "thank you and it's julias."

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Assassin palvakerijat (Chp2)

"ok lover boys, i hate to interupt but it is someone's birthday today and id hate to have this amazing cake go to waist."  i blushed at the statement and smiled as matt immediately snapped his head to her when she mentioned cake.

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Someone to Hold Ch.2

Her thoughts were interupted by damen speaking again "well miss reiza, i am terribly sorry to bother you, i will be going now. hopefully we can meet again on a less...embarassing subject" he laughed a little and turned to walk off.

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The Day And Life Of An Umbreon-Chapter 3

"one thing mum just please stop interupting me, and im going to bed early im tired." the umbreon had already started to walk to his bedroom. "fine just dylan do me one favor." "what ?" "text me or something next time you will be gone for a while."

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Bloodfang Chronicles : the introduction

If rose was wrestling for dominance again she might have to interupt again. with a shudder she braced silently against the door.

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Pack Mentaility Chapter 14

Silverback interupts causing everyone to focus on him again."

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01Winter10's Colliding worlds Chapter-3

" gary interupted moving closer slamming his hands onto the metal bars "i will not allow you to talk about him like that he is a highly respectable man that deserves your respect!" "right so your not gonna help me fine, i think you should go!"

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Always remember Chapter 1

You knew she wa-" i interupted him "i thought she was asleep, and... you know she wouldn't wake up an- fuck!" he placed a hand on my shoulder "calm down man... just think." we made eye contact "it's not your fau-...

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Joey's Powers Part three:Kari Had Crossed The line

But again, not even his dreams can go without interuption... "wake up, joey!"

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