Chapter 14: Timothy and Suzie

johann had the black sedan waiting, and wolfgang opened its back door for rita. she climbed in to sit behind johann, holding the mice on her lap, and wolfgang slid the basket in next to them.

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Carnal Combat - All Those Yesterdays

johann shifted a little before he spoke. "reiko." dusk blinked, unsure that he had heard correctly. "did you say...reiko?" johann nodded. "she is far more skilled than you give her credit for.

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Stuff And Things (A1, B11, C15)

He continued to johann and charlie and smiled a bit, seeing johann's face. "so many people captured because i couldn't help." charlie placed a hand on bull's bicep. bull turned to face the white man. bull glanced down at johann again.

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Kapitel 3: Auf Geschäftsreise

„wie überaus großzügig von euch, mein herr.", bedankten sich johann und melinda als sie von ihrem herren erfuhren, dass dieser sie beide im haus für die zeit seiner abwesenheit wohnen lies.

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With a Little Help from my Friends (Chap17, Book8)

"johann, i used to enchant pants in 'wow'. wait ... that sounded far dirtier than i intended."_ _"yeah it sort of did," johann agreed._ _evan and johann both turned back to snipes. "how about you send a message," evan said.

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Temperance and Madness (A1, B11, C23)

johann approached his brother. "you okay?" charlie nodded. "i am fine. a bit tired, and embarrassed that she was able to throw me to the ground in such a fashion, but ... i am fine, johann."

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The Esoteric Collapse (BOOK 2)

To do that, i have to keep johann and his friend safe. she said it's important. i rarely hear from yiayia personally. but she also told me that johann and his friend think they're on some great worldly mission.

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Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Teil 05

Nacheinander verabreichte er johann und aruna die schimmernde flüssigkeit, dann holte er seinen tablett-computer hervor und startete ein programm.

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Preparing For Battle (Book6, Chap 18)

"we're calling johann in the morning. in fact, if you know how to reach him, get him flown out here right now.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 2c, Revelations (pt 4)

Not only was the door incinerated, but johannes himself ended up as little more than scorched bones.

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