Lonely Night's Cry

Its something similar to dragon lullaby: ode to the fallen dial. my heart it longs for your company wishing you were here with me please don't go my dearest, please stay with me, please. stay with me. hold me close, don't let me go stay, oh please love.


BitterSweet Love

Hold me i scratch at myself to feel the pain to see the love you gave scarring around my chest where you hands drew your claim i see you when i close my eyes hold your picture good night smell your scent in my nails your sweet little lullaby

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Hybrid: CH 3: Sloth

"i can hear her lullaby, i need to go back." his time with the old mare had brainwashed him.

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Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 4

_ "wow kristoffer, i didn't know you were familiar with lullabies from the eastern fox tribes!

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The End (Final)

He hummed a familiar lullaby to try to sooth alec. alec slowly allowed himself to calm down. his soul-less hazel eyes stared at the wall, a soft growl drawing from his throat. he sighed. he was sobering up.

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Maverick Hunter - Chapter 9

Such a beautiful lullaby... nu au vahd en du oora nuva de. eros nara da - dora no - uoora de," the hologram sang, continuing the song in the same rhythm that aietos was humming moments ago.

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Twisted Smiles

Where when gray thoughts turn deep blue the voice will come, it's here for you it covers eyes with tinted glass blocks the pain form the past no more pain, no more tears worry not, the voice is here a voice that coos and tightly holds me this is the lullaby


Why Us [Part 2]

As i fell and you came to me i heard your soft lullaby as i told you it was more fun to live in the moment...and then i asked if it was over cause i was so tired..i just wanted to close my eyes.

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Dark Memoirs Chapter 1: Genesis

Mother was always there though...she would bandage me where it was needed and would hold onto me tight..singing lullabies to help quell the tears and the pain. ### the thought that always ran through my head when i was young..."why doesn't papa love me.

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Never Love

They sing their twisted lullabies of love gone awry.

Rain's Lullaby Chapter 2

Authors note: I thought I'd finally post this after a little bit of re-writing. I'm not sure if I'll continue any further then this, however. I kinda started this story on the wrong foot, if you know what I mean. Anyway, enjoy it while it...

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Rain's Lullaby - part 1

Author's Note: I'm fully aware that I'm completely unable to spell and I didn't have a spell check program to help me reduce the damage at this time. I apologize. So far the story is clean, but eventually I'll add some smutt to it (assuming I...

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