The Vixen's Den, Part 4 - Careful What You Wish

"now i need to find a mannequin to model these..." "hmpf. i guess i'll be that mannequin." snorted jill, arms crossed and head turned away. yeah, some fun at least ! the foxgirl blinked, surprised, then giggled. "oh dear, no.

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Rocket Raccon: A Doctorate For Life

He then used his powers to create cum-filled mannequins to attack, but rocket his his knowledge of orthodontics to mess his teeth! doctor angst's gums began to bleed, then his canines began to rotate out.

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Baker's Recipe: Coffee Break

When i arose, suspending the containers in my protoplasm, i paused, catching the mannequin pinching his fingers together. some residue of my being had stuck to them, and baker rolled the slime between his digits.

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Rarity's New Dress

However, looking at the mannequin with the bright fabric draped over it she couldn't find the inspiration she needed to envision the dress she wanted to make.

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Canine Hospitality (part 1)

He took action and pulled the mask carefully off the mannequin. the inside was lined with a soft fabric and smelled strongly of plastic, and there was a small, metal button embedded in the back lining..

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Pent got down on his knees so that he was better able to access the mannequin. marcus followed watching in interest, twisting his hat around in reverse so it didn't get in his way.

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OC: Talon Nakai

mannequins are often brought to life in case talon is short-handed in clowns or acting staff, they prove to be quite effective subsitutes on a quick notice.regeneration: talon can take quite the beating and feel fine as wine afterwards.

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Looking Within Chpt. 1: The Light and the Sleeper

He looked back to see that where kaila once stood was now a mannequin bearing her likeness. he looked around the hotel lobby to see that everyone had turned into a mannequin. "wow.....ok then..."

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The Broken Place

Here the nurses are but mannequins, bodies of wood that move with a jerk in each step taken, the uniforms clean, but not quite spotless nor whole; their faces little more than shattered mirrors bearing a thousand faces, turmoil with each other, thoughts turned

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Dominick’s Men’s Wear Plus

The inside of the store was exactly what he'd expected, it looked like every other clothing shop he'd ever been in, with the exception of the mannequins. taylor wondered where they'd gotten plus sized male mannequins. the clothing looked nice enough.

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Wolf Swim Team Punishment

He rounded a set of shelves and came across a mannequin. the mannequin was a headless torso with half-length arms and legs attached to a metal stand. more important was what the figure was wearing. it was a navy blue one-piece swimsuit for female wolves.

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Nightworld 07: Lady of the House

He could hear her scurrying, crawling amongst the tables and mannequins. "but thoust may find escape a step more elussssive."

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