Chapter 8

She closed the door once everyone was inside, and she pulled off her scarf, wringing it out before sliding it back on--not that it helped much, given that she was still dripping wet, but with the sand on the floor, she saw no reason to expend the...

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Chapter 7

She gingerly took the folded scarf from him, as not to catch his hands with her claws, and looped it up over her head, under her headplates, and looped it over her shoulder. Almost instantaneously her shoulders relaxed further, and she was closer to...

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Chapter 6

It was almost immediate, as soon as Heji had moved his paw from her she was on her feet, and instead of moving forward to confront Kyn, she moved backwards towards the tree, and proceeded to slash the hell out of it. She had said she wanted to TALK to...

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Chapter 14

Serena's instinctual clock woke her up at about the right time, or it might have been Marlow that was pounding on the back of her mind, either way, she forced herself to sit up, and gently shook Heji awake. "Come on, Marlow'll kill us if we don't show...

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Chapter 12

It was nearing 6pm when Serena slipped into the oasis center. She had, of course, been bleeding once upon a time, and instead of wearing her scarf around her neck, she wore it around her back at an angle as a bandage of sorts. She remembered the scene...

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New to the Force (All Chapters)

Clara and i watched in stunned silence as the medicham and mienshao switched roles, the fox taking up the duty of bobbing her mouth up and down his shaft as medicham tended to his testes.

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Chapter 11

"Yes, I took three of your fingers, and two of Serena's claws, at least, if my memory's correct...actually I can take about half of my tail." He paused, rather waiting until Serena was gone to add. "You do realize that unlike you, Serena doesn't care...

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Chapter 2

"Striker would probably be humored by watching. You are fast Serena, I have witnessed this." He did not mention anything at all about the Scyther he encountered besides Striker. She grinned at the compliment. "Yes...perhaps he that it's...

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Chapter 19

"we'd like to schedule transport back to tao via barty...two sceptile, a bagon and a medicham." the driftloon hmmmm'ed at her.

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Chapter 18

Serena took her opportunity, she knew for sure that her lizard scales wouldn't protect her from his blade, but her claws were made to tear, just like his scythes, she didn't exactly speak what she was going to do, but figured that he would block such a...

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A Fated Reality-Chapter 11

This time, the spaghetti was eaten agonizingly slow, slow enough to make a medicham want to punch you. soon, the last unnecessary slurp of noodles was devoured, and the spaghetti-creeps wanted a third helping. "don't say that you're full now.

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