Welcome to Jade Island

Koji almost looked more mongolian after a day and a half on the island, his face coated in a soft black beard, his hair looking almost more like a main. he weighed at least three hundred pounds but his limbs betrayed a muscle beneath the fat.

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Drift - 01 - Dog Days

"mongolian dogs of war..." dustin whispered, not pointing out that they had been used to limit human casualties. mahigan changed the image, showing a totem pole with a wolf on the top. lobu sighed wistfully. "such devotion." lobu said.

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The Adipose-Munich Run Part Two

A necessary job and one he would have been happy to do if it hadn't been forced upon him by a particularly petty manager upset with bansh's apparent friendship with the manager's son; disgraceful influence the mongolian donkey's fat ass.

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College Isn't So Bad

You've heard a thousand times online \>your mind drifts to clara \>it's not totally unexpected that she wants to come to your place, it's just the reason threw you off \>she never once has told you she likes cooking, nor has she ever told you she likes mongolian

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Blood & Carrots - Episode 15

It was as if someone had taken tribal mongolian wear and infused it with european military dress. a large composite bow was strapped to her back, but she showed no signs of a quiver. it was obvious it was a uniform piece to her outfit. "sarnai."

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Pond Scum 2

Dae looked less like a korean and more like a mongolian conqueror of old. while ryan was busy dissecting the changes of his friend, he forgot to focus on his breathing and he accidentally let out enough air that he had to replace it.

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Ghostbusters: Regenesis 19 - Rules of the Road

Gray's asian heritage started to look more mongolian as his upper lip darkened with a mustache, then the beard spread across his cheeks.

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You Are What You Eat

By the time he was done licking the last vestiges from the plate, logan looked decidedly asian, though there were certain mongolian traits that blended nicely with his beard.

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Revelations - Chapter 37: Calm Before The Storm

"i'd like the mongolian beef, please. with hot and sour soup and white rice." the waitress pulled out a notepad and quickly began writing down the order in chinese. once she'd finished, she glanced over at the younger tigress.

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Aside from mongolian beef i mean." "well," he started, digging into a bag she hadn't noticed, "since i won our little bet i figured we'd need something to commemorate the moment. and since i have a friend that does some leather work..."

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The Ambassador

I carried myself with the bearing of professionalism, perhaps even of royalty, and my clothing bore out every bit of it, from the fully-tailored suit of super 200s merino wool to the specially-made mongolian cashmere cloak that draped over me from shoulders

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The Man Who Would Not Kneel

"the mongolian death worm...skin-walkers of north america...ahhh, ghouls apparently eat the flesh of intelligent beings and can take the form of the recently devoured!" saito grinned and arched an eyebrow at daisuke.

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